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State Chemical Corps Open to Bidding (Little Upsilon)

Topics: Little Upsilon: State Chemical Corps Open to Bidding (Little Upsilon)

Solaris (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, July 14, 2011 - 04:38 pm Click here to edit this post
I have 6 Chemical Corps open to bidding in a country I have recently aquired.

They are:

Durham Chemicals 51.20B
Jarash Chemicals 55.44B
Lianga Chemicals 45.60B
Oildale Chemicals 52.88B
Rockton Chemicals 48.43B
Sarasota Chemicals 55.27B

Country name: Cosmos

All corps are upgrading for both effectivity and quality, are fully staffed and cash level has just been increased to 60B for all of them. Tax has just been adjusted from 30% to 0% where it will remain permanently.

All I ask is that you do not move the corps from this country.

Bid away and hurry up before their values increase. :)

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