Simcountry is a multiplayer Internet game in which you are the president, commander in chief, and industrial leader. You have to make the tough decisions about cutting or raising taxes, how to allocate the federal budget, what kind of infrastructure you want, etc..
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Little Upsilon

Topics: Little Upsilon
 SubtopicMsgs  Last Updated
Hello 4   10/24 11:39am
World Processing 3   9/15 08:45pm
Corporations for sale 1   6/8 04:53pm
I'm in....the security counsel? 2   5/22 01:07pm
HELP 3   4/12 02:53pm
Looks to make a trade agreement for Shuttle Maintenance Units 2   4/6 12:16am
Solace Today 1   3/10 02:34pm
The LGBTQ Little Upsilon Alliance Federation 2   12/8 03:05am
SOS 2   11/18 10:22pm
Pissing Contest 59   7/17 01:31pm
Security Council 8   6/20 02:11pm
Tax Free country looking for CEOs 1   6/18 11:02pm
Wanted CEOs 1   12/31 03:10pm
Common Market (La Familia) 1   10/24 07:28pm
Operation Complete 13   9/24 11:25am
Welcome allies! 2   8/20 12:38pm
International Marketplace 5   8/18 05:49pm
Looking for low tax countries for my corps 1   8/12 11:46pm
CEO welcomed 1   5/22 09:22pm
Security Counsel Aid 8   4/29 05:50am
Active Federation 3   4/27 04:45am
Plutonium 4 contract 1   4/16 09:37am
Weapons for sale, standard quality. 3   4/1 07:55am
Stock Sale 1   3/3 02:22pm
Appeal for Unified Aid. 1   1/22 10:46am
I Need urgently HTS, have plenty of other workers to exchange. 1   12/28 08:57pm
WTF, Medical Equipment? (Little Upsilon) 10   12/26 07:46am
DISCORD 3   12/15 05:26pm
A message to all LU Presidents 5   11/20 09:01pm
0% tax - Corps for sale 13   11/17 02:48pm
Lynx Minor Defence Organisation 1   11/16 01:19pm
Union States DC on my empire in LU? 5   11/12 08:43pm
Welcome Devon to Little Upsilon 12   10/25 08:11pm
Worker trades 2   9/11 05:39am
Centennial celebrated! 2   9/8 01:49am
White Giant 11   9/7 03:13am
New Fed (Vanguard Alliance) now recruiting! 4   9/4 07:23am
Any federations on LU recruiting 5   8/28 04:35pm
Workers exchange offer 1   7/19 10:37pm
Looking for common market and/or federation. 11   5/23 02:04am
Quadrillionaire. 5   4/6 02:40pm
Little Upsilon Executive Election January 7, 3088 349   3/1 08:12pm
Little Upsilon Country Stats 5   1/30 04:40am
African Union Military Region (Lions Cub Region) 13   1/6 08:19am
Help 6   12/31 04:35am
Low Level workers and Medium Level Workers offer 2   11/20 03:29pm
Price's not fluctuating? 5   10/30 03:55pm
Give a Fish or Teach to Fish 10   10/19 11:33pm
Security Council has funds to help 4   10/10 10:09pm
Market situation situation? 5   10/5 09:24am
My country is USA 2   10/3 01:09am
Discord 2   7/26 07:25pm
Serious debt after capturing a country 2   7/22 10:15pm
In search of Federation 3   6/17 03:41pm
United American Empire Needs Investors!! 10% tax 4   6/12 06:15am
Mafioso Enterprise. 5   6/10 05:02am
The United American Empire Needs Investors!! 1   6/5 11:33pm
Little Upsilon Free Tade Advertising 25   6/5 11:07am
The United American Empire Need CEO's 1   6/5 08:04am
Old Nevrondona 9   5/30 07:12pm
Peace between the UC and LDI 92   4/30 02:00pm
The goverment provissional of comytoon 1   4/26 08:24am
Elections for Repúblic of comytoon 4610 2   4/8 12:05pm
The Republic of Comytoon president Homer 2   4/1 12:00am
Looking for a Common Market 4   3/6 05:56am
Canis Corp seeking countries to build in 6   3/4 03:17am
Stop the dumping 7   11/13 01:30am
Massive ammunition shortages? Help me understand this? 13   9/21 11:55am
How to CEO 14   9/20 06:04am
Need new CEO are welcom in my country 3   9/16 05:46pm
Looking for Defense Wep Maintenance Corps 1   9/5 11:20pm
Weapons market manipulation? 2   8/3 04:11pm
To the anonymous market manipulator. 9   7/28 04:17pm
Any Active Federations on LU? 13   6/18 09:11pm
CEO looking countries for build or relocate 5   6/9 12:46pm
WAR IMMINENT WARNING!!! 6   6/4 11:15pm
Rebuilt and made more grand 2   6/1 10:41pm
Proposal for GM for the remainder of Aries empire on LU 4   5/25 10:38pm
CEO private corps requested 15   5/21 06:23am
LU The Independent State of Helena needs HELP Security Council, Worker Trades 16   5/14 12:56am
Seeking to join Fed and CM on LU 2   4/22 01:34pm
CEOs Invited, 131 Welfare Index, 0% tax, DanNation 5   4/22 05:41am
Little Upsilon: Sep 30 4218 1   3/20 12:32pm
Open for CEOs 1   2/27 11:06pm
Automatic Cash Transfers by Corporations 4   11/15 09:40pm
Buy amo automation off 4   11/4 09:08pm
I dont get money 3   11/4 03:39pm
Hello 1   9/24 08:31pm
Mother-in-Law for sale, I give cash back in return 5   9/19 07:52pm
Federations 1   9/17 07:09pm
LU Security Council, and number 1 Nation Award 6   9/12 07:49pm
Active Federations 12   8/27 11:48pm
DanNation LU 0% Tax, 132 Welfare Index, CEOs Welcome 1   8/24 10:41pm
The Book of the Pinktator. 4   8/11 02:57am
CEO corp needed 12   8/9 04:20pm
Kingdom of Palamba - 10% Tax, Full Emp. Promise 2   8/9 04:12pm
Best Corporation performance index? 5   8/1 12:20am
I want to sell goods. Anyone want this contract? 5   7/31 12:22pm
Interested in Joining A Federation? 42   7/31 12:13pm
DanNation LU 0% Tax, 132 Welfare Index, CEOs Wanted 6   7/17 05:34am
Hello all and zero tax! 2   5/30 08:25am
Zero Tax 1   5/13 11:41pm
Looking for C.E.Os. 0% tax. 3   5/12 10:42pm
DanNation LU looking for CEO Corps 0% Tax 5   5/7 08:47pm
Byzantium 5   5/6 01:15am
Seeking CEOs 3   4/7 07:15pm
Awards? 5   3/22 06:16pm
Looking for CEO's 0% Tax 1   1/30 06:00am
CEO Looking for Low-Tax Countries 13   1/30 04:23am
Zero % Tax 1   1/25 06:22pm
The Academy - 10% taxes for Public Corporations 1   1/14 01:13am
Active country looking for CEO 3   1/14 12:31am
5% Corporate Tax- PRIVATE CORPS NEEDED 1   1/9 07:58pm
Join my Common Market! 3   12/20 03:23pm
The Unique Bloc new federation seeks members 2   12/18 11:32pm
Northern united fascist states federation 1   12/4 12:45am
Newish country seeking CEOs to help growth 1   11/28 02:25am
Maria et Michael - the best country for private corporations 1   10/30 06:37am
Offensive Weapon Maintenance Manipulation? 8   9/7 01:35am
Invest in Yuet Kin 10   9/3 12:54pm
0% tax and loads of workers 1   8/28 05:27pm
2008/2009 13   6/16 09:46pm
CEO's are welcome 4   6/14 04:01am
Looking for CEOs 5   6/14 12:17am
Whats up 9   5/26 12:22am
Federation Recruiting 16   5/12 10:17am
Hello Little Upsilon. 23   5/6 08:02pm
The Kingdom of England 4   4/25 12:52pm
Walter White Labs 6   4/22 04:11pm
Active Federation 3   4/7 05:38pm
I need low level workers 3   4/2 09:53pm
Countries for sale 4   3/21 07:56am
Security council 3   3/16 03:03pm
CEO looking for countries 23   2/6 09:51pm
CEO Opportunity. 0% Corporate Tax. 1   2/1 06:54pm
New active common market 1   1/29 06:14pm
Setting up military airport 3   1/25 07:39pm
Seeking high tech corps 2   1/25 06:28pm
CEO opportunity 6   1/25 07:04am
0% tax free here 1   1/15 05:04pm
HTSeniors needed 1   1/7 07:25pm
Converting cash to coins 3   1/6 08:23am
Laser Guided Bombs. 1   12/22 03:20pm
57,000 conventional missiles for sale 15   12/14 06:53am
Nuclear weapons. 1   12/13 03:19pm
Kelcorp on LU seeking countries for new factories.. 12   11/29 11:05pm
Looking for CEO's 4   11/29 11:01pm
I buy a small country 6   11/13 02:12am
I need some ceos 2   10/1 11:40pm
Trade for lbcb for stealth bombers 1   9/21 11:17pm
Nice opportunity for CEOs 1   9/17 10:32pm
Aries LU Empire Stats 3/31/2016 8   9/15 08:01am
Major changes in demand/supply of some items 6   9/11 08:40pm
Looking for a buyer 295 million population country 5   9/11 08:03pm
0% TAX COUNTRIES FOR CEOs 22   9/11 03:39am
Enterprises Needed 2   7/9 06:07am
Solution to an Aging Population? 4   6/17 04:55am
Newer Better Federation Recruiting 7   6/16 06:09pm
CEO needed 2   6/13 08:11pm
Common Markets 5   6/10 12:09am
Lookiing once again for CEO's (0%tax) 1   5/6 10:18pm
0% Tax country looking for CEO's 1   5/5 11:35pm
0% tax, looking for active CEOs 2   4/28 07:52pm
CEOs 0% TAX 3   4/24 06:10pm
Liamsly Trade Federation Recruiting 1   4/19 09:06pm
Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh 1   4/19 01:13pm
All CEO's come 0% TAX FREEDOM!! 1   4/10 10:18am
CEOs 0% TAX STABLE COUNTRY 1   4/7 07:19pm
The Free State of Kanix is looking for CEO's (0% tax) 2   4/6 04:27am
Byzantine Industries 3   4/6 01:15am
Constantinople Needs CEO 0% tax 1   4/1 07:21pm
Once upon a time 8   3/27 08:34pm
How do you start a successful enterprise? 2   3/24 09:52pm
Alarm Clock 1   3/19 08:21pm
Looking for Enterprises 1   3/8 12:06pm
Enterprises welcome The Republic of Ukraina 2   2/5 10:50pm
Looking for Business partners 1   2/5 04:32am
Investment Offering from Pirate Securities 6   1/29 03:58am
Preemptive Thread - 'Hostile Bidding.' 1   1/15 07:05pm
Looking for a ceo 1   1/1 08:32pm
Federation 1   12/31 03:33am
Lookin' 4 CEO's 1   12/30 10:22am
CEOs: 112 welfare, 10% tax 4   12/29 11:43pm
I go inactive for a year 5   12/28 12:11pm
Ceos in atlantis 1   12/27 07:35am
CEO'S Pt 2 2   12/26 10:36am
CEO'S Pt 3 1   12/25 11:19am
CEO'S!!!!!! 1   12/25 11:06am
Looking for Enterprise to set up Oil Corps 2   12/11 09:11am
New Federation - The Galactic Alliance 14   12/5 07:15pm
WAR!!!!!!!! 4   12/2 09:17pm
Wage Study Sim-Citizen and Economic Data 16   11/16 11:06pm
Empire seeking investment 1   11/14 11:46pm
Empire seeking investment 1   11/14 11:19pm
Looking for CEOs 33   11/13 06:29pm
Oh feck it...... 6   11/4 12:20am
Buy my corps! 1   10/29 11:38pm
Hostile bidding 5   10/29 04:32pm
0% tax rate 130%+ production rate 1   10/18 08:47am
Thank you... 3   10/11 08:11pm
New start-up on LU 2   10/8 05:52pm
Seeking a Federation? 1   10/4 10:48pm
Looking for CEO's 2   10/4 06:51pm
You have to luv LU 7   10/2 02:10am
5% tax rate countries need CEOs 5   9/23 05:27pm
Aries Empire 500th Anniversary 5   9/10 07:44pm
CEO seeks country for long term relationship 14   9/8 06:19pm
President Stats 03/09/2015 24   9/5 05:02pm
President Stats 11/07/15 5   9/1 05:58pm
Conventional missiles for sale 1   8/31 05:29am
A letter to the people of LU 20   8/24 04:42am
Is anybody home 2   8/15 03:24pm
Stealth bombers wanted 3   8/13 11:38pm
Selenium is in now, Please go right in! 1   8/12 10:16pm
CEO's Needed 1   8/9 01:47am
Nuke Subs for sale 1   8/1 06:40am
5% tax countries need CEOs 2   7/26 09:06am
Interested in a few CEO's 3   7/26 04:13am
An other letter the the people of LU. 4   7/13 08:10pm
Special Economic Zone 5   7/12 08:16pm
Worker Exchange 5   7/9 08:30pm
Slave Country setup 4   6/23 11:56pm
Attacking C3 war level 3 and above 3   6/19 07:14pm
CEOs wanted!! 6   6/14 11:38pm
Attack drones missiles for sale 3   5/30 05:52am
Worker Trades 3   5/27 02:08pm
LDI Nukes Paova Major (Little Upsilon) 71   5/10 01:30pm
Fed Stats (Little Upsilon) 11   4/30 07:42am
Nooblet Theater 2   4/28 10:58pm
Looking for CEO's!! 3   4/26 12:24am
Hail the Pinktator! 6   4/20 11:25pm
Disaster relief (Little Upsilon) 7   4/12 03:36pm
Uranium 2   4/12 03:34pm
Business Partners 1   4/11 07:57pm
Economic Policy Manifest of "The Republic of Kochatka" 24   4/7 02:38am
Conventional missiles for sale 1   3/13 08:00pm
Interesting in join a common market? 3   3/11 01:38am
Federation seeking new member who need help! 1   3/9 05:19am
Country Stats 11   3/4 06:04pm
Long Time No See 19   3/4 10:27am
Countries for sale on LU 5   2/28 11:55pm
Looking for CEOs! 0% tax plently of workers! 2   2/21 10:09pm
Country needed CEO investment 2   2/20 03:59am
NEW country 1   2/11 07:39am
Looking fr Federation and a discussion over Common Market Membership.... 6   2/8 11:21pm
Requesting laser guided bombs for SC$. 1   2/4 06:40am
0% tax and plenty of workerd 1   1/31 11:37am
Eurusian Empire seeks businesses 2   1/27 02:44am
Nations Needing Aid Apply Here 16   1/25 03:42pm
WTB countries 6   1/19 10:57pm
Economic Policy Manifest of the Republic of Kochatka 22   1/16 06:59pm
New Player threat 9   1/16 12:15am
3 20M countries for sale on LU 9   1/11 02:34pm
Country for sale on LU 1   1/11 07:18am
Country for sale on LU 1   1/11 06:51am
Need purveyors for air Transport corporation 1   1/2 09:23pm
Nuclear submarines for sale 1   1/2 03:33am
Nice country for sale on LU 1   1/1 08:20pm
CEOs welcome 7   1/1 07:47pm
High tech engineers 7   12/27 01:14am
Selling weapon grade uranium 3   12/3 06:38pm
Seeking WGU 1   11/26 05:46pm
Enterprises build corps now . 1   11/26 03:08pm
CEOS WELCOME 22   11/23 07:13am
Selling a few items 2   11/21 11:57pm
Want to buy Enterprices!!! 3   11/20 10:27pm
Room for one corporation 1   11/16 05:31pm
Buragan Commonwealth - Benefits of choosing us! (re-started version of the Republic of Buragan) 2   11/15 05:00pm
Economic Policy Manifest Of The Republic Of Kochatka 21   11/14 03:25pm
Republic of Buragan - Tax and Invitations 1   11/1 10:35pm
Breaking silence 9   10/29 05:19am
0% TAX 1   10/26 06:37pm
Looking for a Federation 5   10/25 03:41am
Nuclear arms needed 2   10/23 01:36pm
Selling A Valuable Enterprise On Little Upsilon, On Direct Trading Market 1   10/12 01:39pm
Laser Guided Bombs Purchase 2   10/11 11:31pm
High tech workers available 1   10/7 11:51am
Looking for CEOs 2   10/7 08:43am
Seeking stealth bombers for SC$ on Little Upsilon 1   10/5 08:22am
War on Paova Major, Southern Fish region 4   10/5 01:21am
Seeking 20,000 kg of plutonium for SC$ on LU 1   10/1 08:59am
HT Engineers needed...plenty of Unskilled workers to offer 3   9/27 06:54am
Selenium Purchase 1   9/22 09:20pm
Economic Policy Manifest of the Republic of Kochatka 21   9/17 08:28pm
Ceo wanted 5   9/17 12:25pm
WTB, Stealth bombers + Laser Guided Bombs 3   9/9 09:33am
0% tax - corps for sale 7   9/8 10:41pm
HT Engineers needed, have plenty of unskilled to trade 2   9/8 09:35pm
State Corporations Going Public 10   9/8 07:20am
Nuclear Submarines wanted 2   9/7 01:37am
Need nurses 1   8/30 08:10am
Lance of Nyx 10   8/25 12:27am
LBCB and LBC for sale 5   8/20 07:19am
Ceo's welcome 1   8/7 06:29am
CEOS NEEDED 3   7/27 08:42am
DelSur sell Shares and Corporations 3   7/25 04:04am
Economic Policy Manifest Of The Republic Of Kochatka 21   7/22 11:07pm
Seeking Space Craft Maintenance Units & Plutonium 7   7/19 02:01am
Seeking contracts for space products 9   7/18 12:08am
Countrys for sale by imbackfb45 on LU 8   7/13 08:12am
A standing offer for population exchanges 5   7/5 12:55am
Have massive shortages? Need products fast? 3   7/3 02:24am
Jotaeron inviting CEO's 2   6/26 04:29am
All corps for sale 1   6/21 07:22pm
Massive Military Order 5   6/21 04:12am
Share portfolio always at zero - what gives? 3   6/15 12:19pm
Urgent need of Medium and High Level Workers (millions) 1   6/8 02:36am
Need Senior Doctors fast!! 14   6/7 03:08pm
Untied development aid 3   6/4 09:05pm
My Challenge to the Game Admin... Protest? 20   6/2 01:36pm
Forming a Group of united nations called 'The WEST' 8   5/21 03:45pm
My Nation Officially Declares Tax Free Zone!!! 1   5/13 04:07am
High level managers needed 6   5/12 06:40pm
Weapon contracts 1   5/8 03:30am
Sale 2   5/8 03:05am
Chris... 3   4/24 10:37am
ACTIVE PLAYERS 9   4/16 12:08am
CEO's Welcome in Snow Empire 1   4/10 02:15am
My nations looks for nuclear missile contracts 2   3/31 09:48pm
CEOs Wanted on Spanish Fly 2   3/31 06:56am
Upgraded corps for sale 2   3/30 10:03pm
Workers exchange oportunity 1   3/28 04:56am
New CEO's blocked from Newcastle 2   3/26 11:56am
Hi Tech Eng's for LLW's 5   3/25 08:16am
Workers exchange 5   3/13 06:17pm
ODMN 2   3/10 08:37pm
0% Tax, CEO's Wanted! 2   3/8 04:52am
3300 2   3/7 04:10am
Doctors and Senior Doctors and HTE's needed 2   3/5 08:25am
Notice and Workers Exchange Request 5   3/4 06:44pm
Need CEO 2   3/3 07:55am
Flash damage 1   3/1 06:56pm
Common Market 1   2/24 06:35pm
Corporation building contracts 1   2/21 06:09pm
International Press Conference 2014 2   2/13 03:08am
0% tax +all corps for sale 1   2/9 02:43am
Country for hire 1   2/8 03:16am
Favor 3   2/6 11:29pm
New York 0% tax looking for CEOs 1   2/2 04:48pm
State Corps for Sale 4   2/2 04:46pm
Looking for a New Federation to Join 4   2/2 04:52am
New Etruria welcomesCEO's..... 1   1/12 08:03pm
Country needs workers exchange 1   12/20 05:49am
Offering Stealth Bombers and Ammo via Direct Trade 4   12/14 06:01pm
Shares available 1   12/11 01:58am
Federations and Power 8   12/11 01:55am
Orbital Supply Program 4   12/10 11:26am
LU Crisis? 19   12/10 11:25am
Canstoned 0% tax looking for high tech corps 4   12/8 08:09pm
Can a new player ask for secuirty council here or in the game? 10   12/4 06:43am
Looking for a federation. 4   12/3 04:07am
Joining a fed 4   11/29 11:45pm
How do you transfer population 2   11/29 03:49am
Public Offering 7   11/23 01:03pm
Britannia 0% Tax 3   11/21 05:31am
Soviet Incorporated 1   11/15 01:29am
Need a fed 5   11/12 02:42am
Golden Shoe Award. Round 3 6   11/10 08:31pm
Shuttle Components Corps are for sale 1   11/9 02:41am
0% tax country & many unemployed 5   10/30 03:52pm
Golden Shoe Award. Round 2 8   10/26 04:12pm
Golden Shoe Contest. Round 1 6   10/26 01:52am
Financial Aid Needed from LU Security Council 14   10/21 11:40pm
Plutonium 1   10/19 12:23am
Major Earthquake..unthinkable damage 2   10/17 08:26pm
New to LU. 12   10/16 11:51pm
NLUO: THE FALL! 3   10/16 12:22am
CEOs needed 1   10/14 03:22am
Change of names 15% tax rate country 17   10/13 09:35pm
Countries Needed 3   10/13 06:32pm
Worker transfer request My High level workers 1   10/12 08:43am
Rage Against the Bully Machine 97   10/12 12:31am
NLUO Elections 93   10/12 12:23am
Republic of MI -new corporations invitation 1   10/5 04:45pm
0% Tax and HTE for exchange 1   10/5 04:20pm
Taxes 1   10/4 06:07am
Oversized Sponge 15   10/4 06:03am
CEOs!! 15% tax country received population 3   10/3 04:36am
Need countries with 15% and below tax corporation 4   10/1 01:46am
0%TAX,100% SOCIAL SECURITY,1000%SALARIES...CEO COME!!! 4   9/28 02:08pm
CEOs!! 15% tax country received population 1   9/23 06:46am
Maghrib looking for CEOS 2   9/23 02:44am
Hydra are a Terrorist Organization! 44   9/22 05:11am
CEO looking for countries 1   9/21 04:28am
State Corporations for sale in 15% tax countries 1   9/21 04:24am
NULO Declaring war on me? 31   9/19 02:22am
This is Absurd! Grow up! 2   9/17 11:08pm
World Council 87   9/14 03:13am
CEOs need in 15% tax rate country 1   9/12 03:02am
ULUN Recruiting / Current ULUN members read 59   9/11 11:17pm
THE NLUO IS RECRUITING 33   9/10 06:09am
Please join The Alliance 17   9/9 04:30pm
Im out, attack me 19   9/6 08:42pm
0% tax rate nation seeking CEOs! 1   9/6 06:37pm
CEOs need in 15% tax rate country 7   9/5 11:16pm
Is lee a Whack Job? 24   9/3 10:24pm
Nations needed 8   9/2 06:32pm
Petition to Game Master 38   8/30 08:06pm
NLUO?!?! 1   8/21 08:45pm
Dyna's on LU 4   8/21 03:46am
Wendy War Declarations 62   8/15 03:49am
CEO's wanted 9   8/14 06:44pm
CEO looking countries for relocate corporations 24   8/11 02:44pm
Defeat for Hydra!!! 43   8/10 01:32am
Ditties 43   8/9 12:51am
Spies NEEDED 113   8/8 01:15am
The Call of The Wild ! 4   8/2 04:58pm
Bad Meets Evil Recruiting 36   7/29 04:57pm
Soviet Defense Union (SDU) 33   7/25 05:02am
The SR 2   7/24 02:43am
Security Council Aid Needed 3   7/23 05:34am
Venturi Glades seeking more CEOs again! 0% tax! 1   7/20 11:51pm
Wendy Warning 23   7/20 10:31pm
WORLD GOVERNMENT 57   7/19 07:45pm
Beginner Start-up funds 2   7/14 08:26am
Venturi Glades seeking CEOs! 1   7/11 07:38pm
NiAi Starrepublic is looking for CEO:s (Little Upsilon) 37   7/11 05:54pm
Weapons Wanted Thread 9   7/8 12:47am
Public Warning to CEO-s 7   7/2 10:10pm
Online 12   6/26 10:16pm
Lord Lee 71   6/25 03:58am
State Corp Buyout 5   6/23 09:11pm
Corporations Wanted 1   6/23 01:11am
IPO 1   6/22 08:01pm
CEO's wanted in The Empire of Enosia 6   6/20 05:47pm
Worker Exchange 1   6/17 04:56am
CEO's Welcome in Popeye's countries (tax 0%)... 1   6/16 08:33pm
Countries needed to move into or build 5   6/14 05:18pm
Security Council help me 10   5/22 02:45pm
CEOs welcome in Venturi Glades 3   5/21 04:09pm
State corporations for sale at low value 8   5/18 09:01pm
JMCWhelan Must Die 28   5/18 12:21pm
Recruiting and Training Tits 4   5/15 08:36pm
New Proposal for a Common Market 4   5/10 12:34am
Wendy Eviction From NLUO 79   5/9 12:15am
Ceo needed Mano Empire 6   5/3 06:43pm
Starting Over and Need Your Help 21   5/2 05:23pm
Enterprise 1   5/1 12:17am
NLUO Elections Jan 7, 3145 1   4/24 05:59pm
Hez, do shut up bumping threads for no purpose other than feeding your spam addiction 10   4/24 01:36am
Active players in the Decembra region 13   4/24 01:34am
CEOs welcome in Amazonia 6   4/23 05:37pm
Brasil welcomes CEOs 3   4/23 05:32pm
ULUN Infiltrated 32   4/23 12:58pm
Sovereign state of Acravia looking for foreign Investors 1   4/23 03:26am
Nukes Wanted 7   4/23 01:39am
Need purveyors for a cargo shuttle corporation 3   4/23 12:17am
Disaster relief 9   4/23 12:16am
Are you a new player that could use some sim cash? 63   4/23 12:16am
East Central Open for Business. Tax set to 0% 3   4/23 12:14am
Population and game cash needed badly 6   4/23 12:13am
Looking for CEO Corporations 3   4/22 11:55pm
Recent Problems and Relations between Federations 2   4/22 01:21am
Wendy attempting to disrupt Lord Lee's Case 14   4/21 08:16pm
Same ol, Same ol! 58   4/21 03:10pm
Speaking at the NLUO Constitution Reform meeting 7   4/20 10:08pm
ULUN Stance 33   4/19 11:27pm
Apology to LU (Even Hezzy and NLUO) 50   4/19 11:21pm
Only Topic Allowed for NLUO discussion until its maxxed out 107   4/19 08:08pm
Deputy Chief Justice of Nluo / Judge of the LUICC 10   4/18 07:35pm
NLUO LAW Question 34   4/16 08:10am
Will the Real NLUO Please Stand Up? 15   4/16 08:04am
JMC/Soviet Republic eviction and new Chairman of BME East 192   4/16 12:41am
BME Chairman 17   4/15 08:56pm
Wendys Plan 13   4/15 03:59am
NLUO's "Democratic" Elections 54   4/15 03:25am
MY point of view 17   4/13 10:29pm
Cmon Hezzzzyyy 9   4/12 09:57pm
Biggest Load of BS and clearing the air... so to speak 115   4/12 03:44pm
Casting off the yoke 4   4/12 12:56pm
NLUO LOVE GROUP 17   4/10 03:38pm
Looking to buy countries in LU 3   4/10 12:10am
CEOs Wanted! 3   4/10 12:09am
CEOs welcome (low taxes) 2   4/10 12:08am
Moving Corps 20   4/10 12:06am
Corporation contracts 4   4/10 12:04am
All CEO's Welcome 2   4/10 12:04am
New Player looking for mentor/fed 3   4/10 12:03am
3-5% tax, 104 welfare, plenty of workers CEOs welcome 2   4/10 12:03am
CEO looking for countries 2   4/10 12:02am
125 Welfare Index Looking for CEO Investment 2   4/10 12:02am
Federation Stats 8   4/10 12:02am
Potential Candidate for federation 5   4/8 09:11pm
Recruit Available (former NLUO member) 33   4/8 09:07pm
Thing uu wish couuld improve or that couuld 17   4/8 03:43pm
Anti NLUO ANTHEM 7   4/8 02:13am
First NLUO POST 1   4/7 11:26pm
Nluo hate group 3   4/7 09:05pm
Plzz buy my corporation 4   4/7 03:06pm
State of the NLUO of LU Address 19   4/5 09:24pm
New Sec. General 33   4/4 12:41am
NLUO Security Council Members 14   4/3 10:49am
Bad Meets EVIL is recruiting - SIGN UP TODAY! 31   3/31 07:31am
Copy and paste this address and Vote for HEZ! 38   3/31 06:49am
NLUO Secretary General Election Jan 7, 3128 102   3/30 01:56am
Common Market: Soviets Market 2   3/24 10:03pm
Cheers to Hydra, and sir Serpent 18   3/24 11:57am
3-5% tax, good welfare, high unemployment CEOs welcome 1   3/23 10:16pm
Apology to the International Community 12   3/22 10:08pm
Bickering 7   3/21 05:48am
About Nulo 32   3/20 11:49pm
Resignation as Secretary of State of the N.L.U.O. government. 18   3/20 06:53pm
State corporations for sale 1   3/18 05:19am
Peace Conference. 129   3/17 06:23pm
Pancakes-BME Agreement 17   3/17 05:52pm
The Dictator Serpent needs to be stopped!!! 28   3/16 02:41pm
Secretary of Justice Election Jan 7, 3122 14   3/16 05:15am
This is the Secretary of State Speaking from NLUO Head Quarters! 16   3/15 10:49pm
N.L.U.O spam 17   3/15 05:50pm
War Crimes Tribunal 23   3/15 05:50pm
TO ALL NLUO MEMBERS 28   3/15 05:47pm
Peace Discussion 50   3/15 02:34pm
A message to Pancakes 28   3/15 07:48am
Stirring it up 2   3/13 07:30pm
"newcastle" inviting C.E.O. / Private investment agin 2   3/12 06:40am
After more than two decades of occupation.. 15   3/11 06:58pm
Does Little Upsilon Really Have A World Government? 56   3/10 02:13pm
Why is hardly anyone active? 4   3/8 12:00am
IPOs 1   3/7 04:21am
Eridana Federation 4   3/7 02:50am
Canadian Empire needs a WIKI 6   3/7 12:36am
Decambra Region is Crowded 12   3/6 03:08am
Hydra 18   3/6 12:03am
A Global Effort to Fix Product Shortages 24   3/5 10:08pm
Investment adventure 2   3/5 04:44pm
Ascot 0% tax 5   3/4 04:15am
Weird company shortages 1   3/3 07:41am
Country for sale 4   3/2 08:10pm
Stinging shortages 11   3/2 02:40am
Any Free playing (non-member) country, who needs supplies look here 1   3/2 02:39am
Free player low on supplies 3   3/1 03:25pm
NLUO Members 63   3/1 01:33am
NLUO Members 8   3/1 01:25am
Weapons systems destroyed as fast as we make them? 19   2/27 03:28am
Secretary of State Election Jan 7, 3113 30   2/26 07:48pm
The 2nd Term-1st State of the NLUO Address 8   2/25 07:08pm
Secretary of State Election Debate 50   2/25 06:39pm
Investmet Opportunity 5   2/25 05:51pm
CEOS!!: State corps for sale 1   2/25 04:31am
NLUO membership revised! 4   2/24 04:25pm
Delay needed for Investment Funds / Stock Market 6   2/23 03:40pm
CEOs needed in Kamuk LU 3   2/23 06:25am
AA5 is Open for Business!!! 0% Tax 3   2/22 04:34am
NLUO Crisis Meeting 32   2/20 07:25pm
Secretaries of the Executive Administration 2   2/19 11:54pm
CEO investment wanted 1   2/19 11:28am
Another public business going bankrupt 8   2/18 08:01pm
Business opportunity for CEOs 2   2/15 11:45pm
Case # 00001 The NLUO LUICC Vs King Hezekiah II 174   2/15 10:36pm
Price earning ratio from 40 (good) to 900 (bad) 2   2/15 03:35pm
Little Upsillon is six years old! 6   2/15 04:34am
Dear Simcountry 6   2/14 08:47pm
For LU's one and only Lord Lee - CEO Stats 37   2/14 12:05am
CEO projections 1   2/13 11:49pm
Common Market 2   2/12 08:48pm
The New NLUO World Government (Help Wanted) 66   2/11 11:56pm
NLUO Common Market 4   2/11 09:58pm
Need Ceos 3   2/11 06:50pm
Welcome CEO's 7   2/11 07:42am
LU World War Ceasefire 96   2/11 07:03am
Public corps. looking for investors 1   2/10 02:25am
I am a CEO and I want to enslave YOUR people 13   2/9 08:31pm
Need High Tech Seniors 6   2/9 01:20pm
Empire Stats as of Jan 3104 8   2/8 07:42am
Hydra Agression 45   2/8 04:41am
Enterprise Corporations 3   2/6 05:58am
Case # 00006 The NLUO LUICC Vs SweetPea 3   2/5 02:17am
Buy my Corps 1   2/4 11:02pm
Hydra Needs Flag 16   2/4 04:52pm
0% Tax, Stable Economy....Looking for CEOs for Republic of Marshmallow 2   2/3 08:44pm
General Assembly Address of the Brother Leader Mohamar Al Gaddafi 3   2/3 07:20am
Need CEOs 7   2/3 01:24am
Tax Free Countries 1   2/2 06:11pm
Low Tax: Free Trade Zone 10   2/2 06:09pm
Private investors wanted (LU) 3   2/2 08:43am
OUCH 11   2/2 04:52am
Come all ye ventures... 3   2/2 04:51am
Case # 00002 The NLUO LUICC Vs President Shave 101   2/2 01:48am
Case # 00004 The NLUO LUICC Vs Colonel Mahamar Al Gaddafi 5   2/1 11:45pm
LU International Competition And Commercial Law Court 5   2/1 11:38pm
Case # 00003 The NLUO LUICC Vs King Herod VI 19   2/1 10:12pm
The Little Upsilon World War (NLUO Word Government Vs. Hydra Federation) 78   2/1 04:37am
Federation Stats 14   2/1 01:37am
Lucky bastard 8   1/31 04:38pm
**RED ALERT** Shortage of Toilet Paper on LU 14   1/31 03:41pm
I Found This for the NLUO! - MY GIFT! 3   1/31 03:26am
SHORTAGES!!! 3   1/31 12:49am
Hezzy Convo witho SweetPea 5   1/30 10:47pm
NLUO Refugee Camp. 27   1/30 09:30pm
Looking for Countries with wages of 150 or lower. 6   1/30 09:11pm
Hydra Recruiting 16   1/30 07:49am
Low tax trade zone (looking for ceo) 2   1/29 12:55am
Nuclear detonations increase earthquake activity 25   1/28 10:38pm
Mr. Sills 6   1/28 10:13pm
Little Upsilon World NEWS (State TV) 151   1/28 06:04pm
THREAT OF A WORLD WAR!!!!! 146   1/28 01:39am
Cheep Corp in Mano Empire 7   1/27 12:49pm
Another 0% tax country 8   1/27 06:58am
Hm? 10   1/27 05:25am
PSA - LU01.21.13.001 27   1/26 12:12am
URGENT WORLD NEWS 10   1/25 05:14am
Private investment 9   1/24 12:12am
LDI 29   1/22 01:29am
I support 21   1/20 05:26am
Request for NLUO to investigate member rudeness and provocation 60   1/15 02:43am
Land Based Cruise Batteries and missiles 1   1/14 02:53pm
CEO's wanted! 3   1/14 05:21am
Hydra federation 55   1/13 09:18pm
NLUO: Notice of Intent 34   1/10 06:23pm
NLUO Boycott 6   1/10 04:43am
NONONLUO is recruiting 92   1/6 02:59am
Looking for a strong fed 23   1/3 08:10pm
Secretary General Debate Expansionist King Hezekiah II Vs. Isolationist King Herod VI 62   1/3 05:32am
Players of little uplsilon 10   1/3 05:20am
Want FREE CASH? (New Players Only) (Little Upsilon) 88   1/2 01:14pm
Shares available 2   12/30 01:11am
LU Statistics: 27 Dec 2012 8   12/28 09:31pm
New Common Market - Need Members! 2   12/27 05:58am
LU World Government Executive Primary Elections Expansionists & Isolationists 14   12/24 07:37pm
City of London - 0% tax - corps for sale - place soon to build 3   12/23 02:01pm
So who's the twat... 11   12/23 12:21am
NLUO Aggression 49   12/22 04:46pm
Isolationists take the Majority in the Joint Chiefs!!! 3   12/22 04:44am
CEOs Needed 2   12/22 02:47am
Selling Conventional Missiles 8   12/22 12:40am
CEO Corporations Needed 2   12/21 05:41pm
Need CEO Corps - 0% Tax 3   12/21 12:44pm
NLUO- An Isolationist's POV 45   12/20 10:07pm
Country seeking CEO Corporations 3   12/20 05:27am
Federation Clarification 15   12/17 07:14pm
City of Westminster - 0% tax - corps for sale - place soon to build 5   12/17 01:52pm
LU pole of current active players 55   12/17 12:34am
A Call to Arms against THE BETRAYER! 25   12/16 01:09pm
Committe Joint Chiefs of Staff of Regional Federations Legislative Pre-Proposals 17   12/16 03:17am
Security Council Aid Request VII (Little Upsilon) 49   12/14 06:17pm
Fire Nation CEOs Free Workers 2   12/11 07:42pm
Committe of the Common Market Founders & Members Legislative Pre-Proposals 1   12/11 06:55pm
New Players Apply for your free Money Today!!! (Little Upsilon) 38   12/11 12:01pm
Computer Malfunctions 1   12/10 01:56am
Your lucky day 34   12/9 11:19pm
Fair Warning 25   12/9 11:15pm
Selling Precision Bombers and Ammo 6   12/4 05:32am
CEO seeking Countries 22   12/3 07:45pm
NOV/DEC 2012 Low tax Thread 4   12/3 06:36pm
Nuke Subs Wanted 3   12/1 07:04pm
Attention CEOs... 0% Tax.. 2   11/30 08:59pm
~*~Attention CEO's~*~ 5   11/30 12:53am
Population 7   11/27 05:55pm
Little Upsilon Free Market Common Trade 3   11/27 01:10pm
The Corporation Bid Crisis 6   11/27 06:39am
Creating a new Democratic Fed on LU 3   11/16 06:45pm
Looking for alliance on LU 3   11/16 06:06pm
Need a mentor to guide me 2   11/16 02:45pm
Little Upsilon Executive Administration (A Branch of your World Governing Body) 1   11/15 07:55pm
State Corps for sell 2   11/12 12:22pm
October 2012 Low Tax Thread 11   11/11 12:38am
The NLUO Government is set up 5   11/3 03:03pm
State of Mikah Looking for CEO 10% tax 1   11/2 02:19pm
Fed on Little Upsilon 2   11/2 09:32am
Little Upsilon Global Conference 3   10/31 03:10pm
Invest in my country and I'll invest in good business! 1   10/31 04:52am
Looking for private corporate investment 1   10/26 06:05pm
Latest update on my battle tactics 9   10/24 09:58am
NLUO International Community 5   10/23 08:46am
NLUO International Community 1   10/21 04:37am
Weapons Wanted 2   10/20 04:03pm
Kennikoslavia message regarding unemployment (Little Upsilon) 6   2/28 03:05am
Notice (Little Upsilon) 11   9/25 01:00pm
New active common market 5   10/13 10:31pm
Plzzz bid for my corporations 1   10/13 09:44pm
Weapons for sale! 2   10/6 07:37am
Destroyed Targets Being Rebuilt 1   10/6 02:34am
September 2012 Low Tax Thread 12   10/5 01:46pm
Ladores- 5% tax very high wellfare and very many workers 1   9/30 03:24am
BigMe Enterprise 1   9/29 09:07am
Precision Bombs 8   9/28 09:44am
Send me workers and corps 6   9/26 08:02pm
Looking to buy these weapons 2   9/25 11:36pm
Want to sell state coporation 1   9/24 07:46am
Looking for any kind of material contact 1   9/14 04:20pm
Who want to buy precision bomber ? 3   9/11 08:16pm
August 2012 Low Tax Thread 20   9/9 09:04pm
Excess of low level workers 3   9/8 09:27am
SC proposal 3   9/7 11:44pm
CEO's Wanted - 0% Tax 6   9/6 06:12pm
LU Common Market? 1   9/6 05:10am
Dalcor in search of startup companies for takeover 1   9/6 04:09am
Country for sale 1   9/4 05:43pm
Selling offensive product looking for lng term cantracter 1   9/2 12:28pm
LU Loan Market (Little Upsilon) 23   9/1 04:35am
Worker Exchange 5   8/31 10:15am
Strict CEO looking for 0 tax Countries 10   8/30 08:37pm
Country for CEO 2   8/29 09:11pm
New Federation on LU 1   8/25 04:40pm
Precsion boms and bombers 1   8/17 03:18am
Request huge amount of low quality FMU 2   8/15 07:42am
Private investment funds 5   8/14 06:48pm
Federations on LU 7   8/14 03:25pm
Need a Commom market 1   8/8 05:57pm
New common market. Join us! 2   8/8 04:32am
July 2012 Low Tax Thread 12   8/5 07:51pm
CEOs needed going to 0 tax 1   8/5 03:50am
CEOs Welcome: 11 countries, 0 tax, 122 Welfare 6   8/4 01:22am
Looking for a Federation 8   7/27 06:26pm
Party planners 6   7/27 04:34pm
Country expires on Aug 1 1   7/26 06:05am
Nuke Subs for sale 1   7/20 05:55pm
Executives 1   7/20 06:50am
Missles 2   7/17 03:41am
Worker exchange 2   7/13 01:16pm
Ladores has 30% unemployment 3   7/13 01:12pm
Offensive weapons for sale on contracts 1   7/12 06:56am
Ceos needed 1   7/12 02:04am
Room for a new corporation. 1   7/11 12:33am
CEO's Needed 1   7/10 08:35am
In need of ceo's 4   7/8 06:21am
Air Transport 1   7/5 07:12am
The Nation of Kemit invites all CEO's to build 18   7/4 09:10pm
June 2012 Low Tax Thread 18   7/3 10:39pm
Need CEO 1   6/30 12:40pm
A Quick Question 1   6/30 06:43am
In need of nurses, doctors and senior doctors 1   6/21 02:44pm
Population decline 3   6/21 04:13am
Nuclear Subs for sale 1   6/19 03:27am
Low Tax Thread - April 21   6/16 08:15pm
Build your corparations here... 1   6/16 03:18pm
Weapons of Mass Destruction 2   6/16 09:42am
Country for sale for DIRT CHEAP 2   6/16 08:25am
Wanted to Buy 1   6/16 06:57am
Attention all CEO's 1   6/11 09:49pm
Looking for CEOs 4   6/9 04:37am
Gold rush 1   6/9 02:44am
In need of ceo's 4   6/8 03:21pm
Economic Empires and War Lords 2   6/7 07:28pm
BUYING Precision Bombers and Bombs 7   6/6 10:03am
May 2012 Low Tax Thread 12   6/6 02:31am
Looking for low tax countries 17   6/5 05:29pm
URGRENT 7   5/31 11:32pm
MSR 4   5/27 06:41pm
Country Controlled Public Corporations Sale 1   5/27 04:05am
C.E.O's buy my corps 2   5/26 04:32am
How can i close a corporation that is losing money but my country wont allow it? 3   5/24 02:32am
REWARD: anyone who gives enough High tech seniors.. 1   5/22 06:12pm
New Enterprise looking for hosts 14   5/22 04:03pm
Precision Bombers 3   5/22 12:11am
4 million unemployed, CEOs needed! 10   5/20 09:02pm
0% Tax for private companines (Little Upsilon) 4   5/20 12:35pm
Looking for low tax's for my corps 9   5/18 03:46am
CEO looking for 0% countries 10   5/17 12:10pm
Exchanging workers 4   5/15 01:22pm
Carolina Empire 0% Tax Room for 23 CEO Corps 2   5/14 05:55pm
Mass Moving Of CorporationSSSS Need Countrys 8   5/14 05:43pm
Looking to set up some precision bomber contracts 3   5/13 09:53pm
Zero Tax Empire open to CEO's 2   5/13 02:45pm
Security Council News Bulletin (Little Upsilon) 42   5/13 07:40am
Enterprise for sale? 1   5/13 01:30am
Earth Quake 8   5/7 12:25am
New Plymouth is Open for Business 1   5/5 06:21pm
Closing Shop on LU 2   5/4 06:11am
How to get airport? 4   4/29 05:43pm
CEOs and Investors WELCOME. TAX 10% & under 1   4/27 06:05pm
Small Nation Needs The BEST CEOs 1   4/23 11:10pm
70 Mill Invisible Population 4   4/22 08:33pm
8 Total Countries, 0% Tax, Many Workers (Little Upsilon) 11   4/22 02:11am
Build corps in ascot now 0% tax and all staff positions filled 1   4/22 12:02am
Where can i edit my budget plan for the year?? 4   4/21 04:35pm
Looking to buy stealth bpmbers and laser guided missiles 4   4/21 04:08pm
Tips for a new CEO 1   4/20 06:13pm
Country Controlled Public Corporations. 1   4/18 07:45pm
CEO Looking For Countries To Set Up Shop In (Little Upsilon) 16   4/18 03:13pm
Airport??? 7   4/14 07:19am
0% tax country 1   4/13 03:47am
Corps Needed! (Little Upsilon) 12   4/11 06:06pm
SELLINg Factory maintainance (Little Upsilon) 1   4/10 08:27am
Low Tax Thread - March (Little Upsilon) 15   4/10 08:23am
0% Tax Country seeking corporations (Little Upsilon) 3   4/9 04:54am
0% Tax Country (Little Upsilon) 2   4/9 04:54am
ZERO TAX - WEST CANIS (Little Upsilon) 3   4/9 04:54am
CEO's Needed!!! (Little Upsilon) 3   4/9 04:53am
CEOs welcome (Little Upsilon) 2   4/9 04:52am
Ceo's Wanted (Little Upsilon) 4   4/9 04:52am
Need Professionals? Want to open a corp? (Little Upsilon) 3   4/9 04:36am
CEO NEEDED (Little Upsilon) 1   4/9 04:35am
CEOs need in LU (Little Upsilon) 2   4/9 04:33am
Why cant my long range division weapons be resupplyed? (Little Upsilon) 3   4/9 04:32am
CEO's needed. 0% tax, stable country, high unemployment. (Little Upsilon) 1   4/8 08:04am
Anjou, 10% Corporations tax! Welcom to CEO's!! (Little Upsilon) 1   4/8 03:02am
Needs ceo (Little Upsilon) 1   4/6 03:26pm
Welcoming CEO Corps 3   4/6 03:14pm
Country: Money9 (Little Upsilon) 1   4/5 11:30pm
Come to the Glorious Land of Freedom! Corporations Sought (Little Upsilon) 1   4/5 07:37am
State Corps for Sale!!! (Little Upsilon) 1   4/4 11:14pm the name wrong (Little Upsilon) 1   4/2 12:25pm
Ascot has 0% tax rate and plenty of workers (Little Upsilon) 18   4/1 11:08pm
Hai Guyz/Need Corps (Little Upsilon) 1   4/1 06:33am
High Tech Seniors Needed (Little Upsilon) 2   3/30 11:30am
Huge CEO Relocations Underway (Fearless Blue) 8   3/29 04:32pm
Corporations still in shortage (Little Upsilon) 3   3/29 04:28pm
The Citadel - 0% Tax - CEOs Welcome! (Little Upsilon) 1   3/29 05:40am
I need country with 0-10% tax now.... (Little Upsilon) 2   3/27 02:53pm
Looking for low and medium level workers (Little Upsilon) 3   3/25 07:16am
Why do my corporation buying and selling strategies get reset every day? (Little Upsilon) 10   3/24 08:00am
CEOs - federal republic of medousa (Little Upsilon) 1   3/24 06:47am
Scarlet Army Marches On (Little Upsilon) 6   3/21 01:58pm
PSA: LU.02.09.2012.0023 (Little Upsilon) 15   3/17 04:17am
Hi Tech Corps Wanted: The Commonwealth of Bamtidio (Little Upsilon) 2   3/14 05:00pm
CEOs needed in california republic (Little Upsilon) 1   3/13 11:03pm
Vote yes on aid to "Nostal" (Little Upsilon) 1   3/13 04:35am
How old is your LU country? (Little Upsilon) 13   3/11 06:16am
New Country with 0 Tax and Availible Workers (Little Upsilon) 1   3/10 08:51pm
Population Swap (Little Upsilon) 1   3/6 05:57pm
Security Council Development Aid Requests (Little Upsilon) 22   3/6 05:07pm
Professionals available - need LLW´s (Fearless Blue) 3   3/6 02:39pm
Strategic weapons for sale (Little Upsilon) 2   3/6 11:47am
Bid on my corps, ceo's (Little Upsilon) 1   3/3 01:35pm
Low Tax CEO Thread for February (Little Upsilon) 21   2/25 01:58am
Happy bidding... (Little Upsilon) 1   2/24 10:02pm
Space trade of Factory Maintenance Units (Little Upsilon) 10   2/23 03:32am
4000 gc in Military Assets are on sale on the World Market (Little Upsilon) 1   2/22 04:22am
SLAR NATION - TAX HAVEN 0% ALWAY (Little Upsilon) 1   2/16 11:50pm
Economic Statistics February 2012 (Little Upsilon) 8   2/11 10:00pm
Top Earners (Little Upsilon) 9   2/11 01:28am
Moving out of c3s (Little Upsilon) 2   2/6 06:45pm
Maestro Enterprise - Bid on Corporations (Little Upsilon) 1   2/4 05:33pm
Zero % Tax (Little Upsilon) 1   2/2 02:07pm
CEOs needed (Little Upsilon) 1   2/2 01:28pm
Low Tax CEO Thread for January 39   2/1 04:18pm
Nuke Subs for Sale (Little Upsilon) 3   1/23 05:52am
Looking for a CEO (Little Upsilon) 5   1/23 03:08am
Green Paws Direct Trading (Little Upsilon) 3   1/22 12:44am
Little Upsilon World News January 2012 (Little Upsilon) 4   1/21 11:01pm
Too many high level workers >< (Little Upsilon) 3   1/21 02:40am
How to Build a country (Little Upsilon) 13   1/19 05:04am
Low Tax CEO Thread for December (Little Upsilon) 23   1/19 04:56am
Nuclear weapons for Sale!!! Very good Quaity!!! (Little Upsilon) 7   1/18 11:04pm
Federations and Common Markets (Little Upsilon) 1   1/16 09:16pm
Zero Tax Empire open to CEO Corps (Little Upsilon) 12   1/15 11:20pm
Colonialism Or Manifest Destiny? (Oh, and Special Forces) (Little Upsilon) 19   1/15 05:15am
Freedonia needs corps. 0% tax (Little Upsilon) 1   1/14 07:51pm
0% Tax Rate for CEO's (Little Upsilon) 3   1/12 05:52am
The best way of a country making money (Little Upsilon) 9   1/8 06:28pm
CEO seeking countries (Little Upsilon) 39   1/8 06:32am
Trout out (Little Upsilon) 2   1/5 08:09pm
Looking for CEOs (Little Upsilon) 3   1/4 03:43pm
Large Countries & Empiries (Little Upsilon) 7   1/3 11:24pm
The Republic of Doripenem looking for CEOs (Little Upsilon) 5   1/2 05:26pm
CEOs welcome! (Little Upsilon) 1   1/2 07:25am
Ascot looking for ceo's 0% tax (Little Upsilon) 1   12/29 08:38pm
The Commonwealth of Inteligenc - 0% Tax looking for CEOs (Little Upsilon) 2   12/28 05:59am
Space program (Little Upsilon) 3   12/26 06:35pm
Need CEO Private Corps (Little Upsilon) 1   12/20 11:56pm
Strategic bombers for sale Quality 333 (Little Upsilon) 6   12/19 10:37am
Yo MaMa is A.... (Little Upsilon) 8   12/19 04:12am
Country for Sale! (Little Upsilon) 1   12/18 03:39pm
High Tech Workers available for hire (Little Upsilon) 5   12/17 08:22pm
Looking for population swap from country ascot (Little Upsilon) 1   12/15 07:59pm
Space Age Entrepreneur wanted!! (White Giant) 8   12/13 08:00am
Need High Tech Execs (Little Upsilon) 2   12/11 09:27am
Strategic Weapons and Ammunition For Sale, and other products (Little Upsilon) 1   12/7 12:25pm
0% tax need CEO's (Little Upsilon) 3   12/6 04:16pm
Room for CEO's (Little Upsilon) 3   12/6 04:15pm
Athretvari Information Bulletin (Little Upsilon) 3   12/2 03:25am
Need CEO's NO Tax High unemployment (Little Upsilon) 1   12/1 09:24pm
The Republic of Amelata (Little Upsilon) 1   12/1 01:23am
Security Council Financial Aid (Little Upsilon) 2   12/1 01:10am
2800 Precision Bombers (Quality 296) for Sale! (Little Upsilon) 2   11/29 04:46pm
15 gold for 450,000 High Tech Seniors (Little Upsilon) 12   11/29 04:45pm
Low Tax Country List (Little Upsilon) 1   11/27 08:43am
Zero % Tax Free Country: 15,517,006 workers unemployed!!! (Little Upsilon) 2   11/27 08:31am
50 stategic bombs for sale quality 281 (Little Upsilon) 1   11/26 04:36pm
LU Statistics 20 November 2011 (Little Upsilon) 5   11/26 03:30pm
Strategic bombers for sale Quality 333 (Little Upsilon) 2   11/24 05:22pm
Land Based Cruise Batteries for sale Quality 252 (Little Upsilon) 3   11/23 09:07pm
0% Tax (Little Upsilon) 1   11/23 07:22am
State Corps for sale 1   11/23 06:57am
Ceo McGraw inc stare corps for sale (Little Upsilon) 1   11/22 08:57pm
Increase Nuke Capabilities (Little Upsilon) 2   11/20 08:04pm
Nuke Subs For Sale (Little Upsilon) 1   11/20 06:10pm
Country: Sleeper Tax: 0%. Heaps of workers (Little Upsilon) 1   11/19 06:11am
Looking to Join a Common Market (Little Upsilon) 2   11/19 01:49am
CEO needed: 0% Fixed (Little Upsilon) 4   11/16 09:46am
Looking for CEO's 0 percent tax 122 Welfare (Little Upsilon) 1   11/16 01:40am
Corps. for Sale 5% tax country 1   11/15 11:35pm
Discounted Goods are on Sale. (Little Upsilon) 3   11/15 02:59pm
CEOs needed in multiple countries (Little Upsilon) 14   11/15 03:27am
Want some cheap corps? (Little Upsilon) 2   11/15 01:55am
Green Paws Empire (Little Upsilon) 68   11/13 09:58am
Boogeyman wants your corpse (Little Upsilon) 5   11/12 08:27am
Just Another Country Looking for CEOs (Little Upsilon) 1   11/8 08:00pm
Jungleland South needs corps! (Little Upsilon) 4   11/8 02:29pm
30 state corps for sale - Republic of Sicilia on Little Upsilon (Little Upsilon) 6   11/7 06:02pm
So... Any Diplomacy Going On? (Little Upsilon) 6   11/5 10:18pm
Looking for CEO's to build 0% tax (Little Upsilon) 5   11/5 06:02pm
Ceos (Little Upsilon) 4   11/5 04:39am
I put a couple countries up for sale (Little Upsilon) 1   11/5 02:46am
Presison bombers URGENTLY needed (Little Upsilon) 4   11/5 01:23am
Security Council News October 2011 (Little Upsilon) 25   11/2 04:33am
0% tax country needs corporations (Little Upsilon) 2   10/31 05:41pm
Miles of Traintracks Requested on Contracts (Little Upsilon) 1   10/31 12:37am
0 Tax, Millions of workers in 5 countries (Little Upsilon) 3   10/30 11:09am
Unionated Cities of Kandombe looking for CEOs (Little Upsilon) 1   10/29 11:17pm
10 Million New Workers, 474 Enterprise corps and growing, 5 Countries (Little Upsilon) 3   10/29 06:40am
La Republica del Shani---Notice to the noob who messaged me (Little Upsilon) 17   10/29 03:50am
0% tax country needs corporations (Little Upsilon) 1   10/28 03:17pm
CEOs Needed in Hellscorne (Little Upsilon) 2   10/27 03:21pm
0% tax in Babbling Brooks (Little Upsilon) 3   10/27 03:12pm
Looking to buy airports (Little Upsilon) 3   10/27 01:54pm
CEO's Wanted (Little Upsilon) 11   10/27 07:40am
CEO Low Tax Country List (White Giant) 10   10/25 04:24am
Country for sale on LU (Kebir Blue) 1   10/24 10:18pm
United Wealth 0% tax unemployed workers 130 welfare (Little Upsilon) 1   10/23 12:52pm
:) (Little Upsilon) 3   10/19 07:57pm
Products for Sale (Little Upsilon) 2   10/18 07:46pm
LU Stats for Feb 2864 (Little Upsilon) 5   10/18 04:22am
Anyone selling a country (Fearless Blue) 6   10/16 08:01pm
Looking for corporations (Little Upsilon) 1   10/16 06:13pm
S.O.S CENTRAL AMERICA (Kebir Blue) 2   10/16 12:36pm
350k High tech engineers for trade (Little Upsilon) 1   10/16 05:44am
Shortage of Q and E upgrades? (Little Upsilon) 7   10/15 05:32pm
Presison Bombers for sale (Little Upsilon) 1   10/15 05:27pm
5 Countries, good welfare, Huge Worker Surplus (Little Upsilon) 5   10/15 03:39am
Question for You 4   10/15 01:59am
2 Countries need corporations 0% tax (Little Upsilon) 1   10/14 03:02am
CEO friendly countries 8/14/11 INVEST TODAY! (Little Upsilon) 11   10/13 04:28pm
So we can sale for real money? (Little Upsilon) 11   10/12 05:39pm
CEO Looking for 0-10% Tax Countries (Little Upsilon) 45   10/12 01:36am
CEOs Needed. 0% tax. (Little Upsilon) 1   10/10 03:42am
Millions of Workers, 116 Welfare, 0 Tax (Little Upsilon) 3   10/10 02:13am
Shangrila needs corps. 5%tax (Little Upsilon) 1   10/7 10:14pm
0% Tax Needs CEOS (White Giant) 2   10/6 01:33pm
Land Based Cruise Batteries Direct Sale Offer (Little Upsilon) 3   10/5 09:16pm
Upgrades not arriving? (Little Upsilon) 2   10/5 05:33pm
5% tax country needs corporations (Little Upsilon) 1   10/5 03:30am
Precision bombers wanted (Little Upsilon) 7   10/4 12:43pm
I Can exchange High Tech workers (Little Upsilon) 3   10/3 09:38pm
Sanderson Enterprises (CEO on LU) (Little Upsilon) 17   10/3 03:00am
Zero Tax Empire open to CEO Corps (Little Upsilon) 5   10/2 03:17pm
Jefferson Banking Union (Little Upsilon) 3   10/2 09:28am
Nuclear Assets for Sale (Little Upsilon) 13   10/1 01:23am
Presidents Looking for CEO Investment - August '11 (Little Upsilon) 22   10/1 12:49am
Security Council Vote Peace treaty enforced between Enclave and Grimaud (Little Upsilon) 30   10/1 12:24am
Nukes (Little Upsilon) 2   9/29 08:20pm
Please Build in Machiavelli (Little Upsilon) 1   9/29 02:09am
The Almighty Mr.Negative (Kebir Blue) 4   9/28 06:30pm
0% Tax country.CEO needed. Build or buy any. (Little Upsilon) 5   9/28 02:33pm
Ceo's Wanted - 132 welfare and free cookies ! (Little Upsilon) 3   9/28 02:31pm
5% tax country needs corporations (Little Upsilon) 2   9/28 02:30pm
5 Countries, 0 Tax, Good welfare and lots of workers (Little Upsilon) 10   9/28 02:29pm
Brew Crew Nation (Little Upsilon) 2   9/26 11:09pm
Boycott Countries: Hilton Estate and Maple Ridge Condos (Little Upsilon) 7   9/26 07:17pm
Profitable Corps in stable 0 Tax countries for sale (Little Upsilon) 1   9/26 12:18am
New country seeks ceo's (Little Upsilon) 2   9/25 10:03pm
Klingon has population for CFOs (Little Upsilon) 2   9/25 10:02pm
Money Inc Is Growing Fast! Countries Needed! (Little Upsilon) 29   9/25 05:55pm
Security Council Vote No Nulcear Weapons for Tommi (Little Upsilon) 23   9/25 03:39am
Security Council Vote No Nulcear Weapons for CG 3000 (Little Upsilon) 27   9/24 12:25pm
Help! Worker exchanges needed (Little Upsilon) 1   9/24 04:26am
The Apocolyptic Doctrine ( IDC Notification ) (Little Upsilon) 8   9/22 04:18pm
Exchange of profesionals (Little Upsilon) 1   9/15 11:20am
Alien Nation needs corps (Little Upsilon) 1   9/14 01:03pm
CEO needed on LU (Little Upsilon) 2   9/12 07:19pm
Country for Sale! (Little Upsilon) 1   9/12 05:31pm
Two 5% countries need corporations (Little Upsilon) 1   9/9 05:15am
LU Stats June 2843 (Little Upsilon) 9   9/8 10:37am
BREAKING NEWS ! BREAKING NEWS ! (Little Upsilon) 26   9/7 07:35pm
Country Profit Per Capita (Little Upsilon) 31   9/6 06:26pm
Italia - 0% tax - space for many corps (Little Upsilon) 1   9/5 05:18pm
0% COUNTRY NEEDS CEO! Nation of SEALs (Little Upsilon) 1   9/4 07:51pm
State Factory Maintenance factories for Sale 0% Tax (Little Upsilon) 2   9/4 06:24pm
State corps for sale 0% tax (Little Upsilon) 1   9/4 07:55am
Fraud Security Council vote by "Unappreciated_Customer" (Little Upsilon) 17   9/2 04:43pm
An Open Letter From the IDC to Little Upsilon (Little Upsilon) 9   9/2 03:36pm
Products being moved to space station/space game vote 4   9/2 01:48pm
State Factories for Sale 0% Tax (Golden Rainbow) 1   9/2 12:31pm
0% tax on "CEO Welcome" (Little Upsilon) 1   9/2 06:09am
0% tax needs CEO, Nation of SEALs of LU (Little Upsilon) 1   9/1 07:05pm
The Security Council And Its IDC Cronies Are Up To No Good again (Little Upsilon) 22   9/1 02:33am
BorderC is marked.... (White Giant) 61   9/1 12:31am
IDC: notice of intent (Little Upsilon) 33   8/31 01:26pm
East Coast (Little Upsilon) 8   8/30 08:47pm
Corporation Supply Tool (Little Upsilon) 2   8/30 03:03am
Uranium (Little Upsilon) 1   8/29 09:55pm
Worker Exchanges for Cruisaem (Little Upsilon) 2   8/28 01:27am
SSS6 on LU (Little Upsilon) 3   8/27 03:27am
Tactical weapons at fair prices!! (Fearless Blue) 1   8/27 12:59am
Message for all worlds (Kebir Blue) 3   8/26 12:20pm
Shangrila on L.U. needs corps. 10% tax (Little Upsilon) 1   8/23 08:19pm
??? (Little Upsilon) 10   8/23 06:27am
0% tax and 0 profit transfer In Holland (Little Upsilon) 1   8/22 11:12am
New country needs CEOs 10% tax 20% unemployment (Little Upsilon) 1   8/21 06:40pm
Country looking for CEO corporations, Selling ALL state corporations (Little Upsilon) 13   8/20 09:11am
Greatings to All presidents of Little Upsilon (Little Upsilon) 26   8/20 05:56am
Mypos 5% tax country needs corporations (Little Upsilon) 1   8/18 06:27pm
I need teachers (Little Upsilon) 9   8/18 05:01pm
Buying Conventional Missiles w/ Batts (Little Upsilon) 2   8/18 03:44pm
CEOs! Invest Today! (Little Upsilon) 3   8/18 02:30pm
CEO Question (Little Upsilon) 4   8/18 07:32am
CEO's Wanted (Little Upsilon) 1   8/12 07:33pm
New country looking for a federation and a common market (Little Upsilon) 2   8/12 07:31pm
CEOs Requested (Little Upsilon) 1   8/12 06:06am
Corporations for sale 5% tax rate (Little Upsilon) 1   8/12 04:52am
LU Statistics 11 August (Little Upsilon) 6   8/12 12:51am
Weird.... (Little Upsilon) 14   8/11 10:04pm
Looking for CEOs (Little Upsilon) 3   8/11 03:58pm
Need countries to build in (Little Upsilon) 31   8/11 09:37am
Corporation Shortage Issue (Little Upsilon) 10   8/10 01:10am
New country needs CEOs, has corps. for sale 5% tax (Little Upsilon) 1   8/9 01:59pm
Great country for ceo's (Little Upsilon) 2   8/9 01:24pm
Stripping down a C3 country (Little Upsilon) 10   8/9 12:55am
Corps for Sale, 0% tax, 130 Welfare (Little Upsilon) 1   8/8 04:34pm
Anyone need LLWs? (Little Upsilon) 2   8/8 04:04pm
Selling my Enterprise (Little Upsilon) 1   8/7 10:11pm
Looking for a federation (Little Upsilon) 2   8/7 01:20pm
Pray for me (Little Upsilon) 40   8/6 05:46am
Athretvari Ut - Invest Today! (Little Upsilon) 5   8/6 12:49am
Athretvari: Zero Taxes, Invest Now! (Little Upsilon) 2   8/6 12:47am
NEED CEO'S (Little Upsilon) 1   8/5 07:43pm
Corporations for Sale (Little Upsilon) 1   8/4 02:28pm
Cargo Shuttles contract offered !! (Little Upsilon) 2   8/4 09:35am
Question! (Little Upsilon) 25   8/4 03:14am
CEO's Wanted (Little Upsilon) 1   8/2 08:35pm
Allied Forces - Intentions Upon Resurrection (Little Upsilon) 4   8/1 07:45pm
Worker exchanges (Little Upsilon) 10   8/1 04:27pm
CEO's NEEDED (Little Upsilon) 1   7/30 10:26pm
Please buy my Corporations (Little Upsilon) 4   7/26 06:36am
Worker Exchange (Little Upsilon) 3   7/26 04:01am
The Security Council (Little Upsilon) 14   7/26 01:49am
LU Statistics 20 July (Little Upsilon) 11   7/24 07:11am
Gamemaster comitting simsuicide ? 29   7/24 01:27am
This is BS! (Little Upsilon) 13   7/22 05:45pm
Do You Need computers ? (Little Upsilon) 4   7/21 11:49am
CEO's 2 well developed countries have 600,000 high tech eng unemployed (Little Upsilon) 4   7/21 05:36am
Money Incorporated Is DTF (Little Upsilon) 11   7/21 03:47am
Country for sale (Little Upsilon) 1   7/20 05:42am
CEO's Wanted (Little Upsilon) 1   7/19 07:58pm
Sulfur Subsidy (Little Upsilon) 3   7/19 03:42am
Workers Exchange (Little Upsilon) 1   7/18 03:38pm
What are the rules for saling countries (Little Upsilon) 11   7/18 08:09am
Carthage TAX rate = 0.0% (Little Upsilon) 1   7/16 01:48am
NEED NUKES!!! (Little Upsilon) 6   7/16 01:12am
State Chemical Corps Open to Bidding (Little Upsilon) 1   7/14 04:38pm
Over Populaition:Migration:Workers (Little Upsilon) 1   7/13 10:34pm
CEO are needed in Sanpola! (Little Upsilon) 1   7/13 07:31pm
Need CEO's (Little Upsilon) 11   7/11 07:28pm
Corps (Little Upsilon) 10   7/9 11:32pm
Health Staff urgently needed (Little Upsilon) 2   7/9 11:16pm
Selling Weapon Grade Uranium (Little Upsilon) 10   7/9 12:29am
CEOs needed (Little Upsilon) 1   7/8 03:52pm
LU Statistics 5 July 7   7/8 06:44am
CEO seeking countries, Space Industry (Little Upsilon) 1   7/7 04:53pm
Scarlet Radio Broadcasting Network (Little Upsilon) 12   7/6 10:57pm
Understanding the labor/unemployment stats (Little Upsilon) 4   7/6 12:57pm
Looking for CEOs (Little Upsilon) 3   7/6 01:59am
Space dock on lease (Little Upsilon) 4   7/3 10:24pm
Enterprise Tips and FAQ's, please? (Little Upsilon) 5   7/3 09:22am
I am made of WIN! (Little Upsilon) 3   7/3 09:13am
For Sale: CEO Green LU 1   7/3 12:57am
Interceptor Contracts (Little Upsilon) 7   7/2 10:01pm
Buying Strategic Weapons (Little Upsilon) 2   7/2 06:56pm
Public Corporations in Blue Empire want new owner/controler (Little Upsilon) 1   7/1 12:36pm
Trading high tech engineers for workers (Little Upsilon) 3   6/30 09:24pm
Worker exchanges? (Little Upsilon) 4   6/30 06:14pm
Nationalizing (your own) public corp (Little Upsilon) 4   6/30 05:31pm
WildEyes LU Countries and LU Enterprise For sale... (Fearless Blue) 3   6/30 10:26am
3000000 tons of aircraft fuel to sell (Little Upsilon) 5   6/30 01:10am
0% tax country needs ceos (Little Upsilon) 1   6/29 06:15pm
Country wanting ceo investment 122 welfare 10 % taxes (Little Upsilon) 2   6/29 03:26pm
No War Levels (Little Upsilon) 17   6/29 03:21pm
Investment Funds (Little Upsilon) 6   6/28 10:19pm
Direct arms sale (Little Upsilon) 1   6/27 04:40pm
Attention shoppers, all corporations are for sale (Little Upsilon) 1   6/27 04:45am
Empire Open For Ceo`s 0% tax (Little Upsilon) 7   6/27 04:43am
The Stinky feet sale is back ! (Little Upsilon) 11   6/27 12:10am
Hospitals (Little Upsilon) 7   6/26 09:10pm
Nuclear subs and nuke sub missiles (Little Upsilon) 7   6/26 07:35pm
Merging Federations (Little Upsilon) 26   6/26 07:07pm
Oil factories looking for countries to call home (Little Upsilon) 10   6/26 07:05pm
Space dock (Little Upsilon) 7   6/26 02:34pm
I need airports (Little Upsilon) 2   6/26 01:47am
A break from expansion (Little Upsilon) 26   6/26 01:02am
Selling Chemical Missiles (Little Upsilon) 3   6/25 06:49am
In A Dire Market, One Country Still Cares (Little Upsilon) 30   6/25 12:08am
Buying Conventional Missile Batteries (Little Upsilon) 3   6/24 08:52pm
Country looking for CEOs (Little Upsilon) 3   6/24 06:54am
Tactical Nuclear Weapons and Strategic Bombs wanted (Little Upsilon) 8   6/23 08:19pm
Money Incorporated is Saving the World! (Little Upsilon) 57   6/22 03:47pm
Looking for Countries to Build Private Corporations in (Golden Rainbow) 1   6/22 02:47pm
The Kingdom of Northumbria (Little Upsilon) 7   6/21 04:17pm
CEOs Wanted (Little Upsilon) 6   6/21 11:37am
Pop (Little Upsilon) 1   6/20 03:38am
Fighter Planes and Drones wanted! (Little Upsilon) 12   6/20 12:31am
War against a C3 at war level 2 (Little Upsilon) 3   6/19 11:34pm
Who Am I ? Guess the player (Little Upsilon) 27   6/19 06:35pm
World Strategy for the Revival of Little Upsilon (Little Upsilon) 24   6/19 05:17pm
Save LU campaign continued (Little Upsilon) 59   6/19 04:45pm
Selling Or Moving A Corporation (Little Upsilon) 1   6/18 09:13pm
LU International CM solution to save LU (Little Upsilon) 6   6/17 09:36pm
LU Statistics 15 June (Little Upsilon) 8   6/16 01:26pm
Upsilon Plan Market: Ythkrovvari Investment Plan (Little Upsilon) 41   6/16 05:49am
Nuclear sub's, missiles and strategic bombs for sale (Little Upsilon) 5   6/16 02:03am
State Companies for Sale (Little Upsilon) 1   6/13 06:06pm
Economic forecast (Little Upsilon) 16   6/13 01:37pm
CEO Needs at least 20 locations preferably low tax (Little Upsilon) 22   6/12 04:11pm
How Can I Turn A Backwater Into A Superpower? (Little Upsilon) 10   6/11 07:50pm
Corps for sale (Little Upsilon) 1   6/10 10:09pm
Nuc subs for sale (Little Upsilon) 2   6/8 07:29pm
Shortages (Little Upsilon) 23   6/8 03:08pm
Unemployment too high in Commonwealth of Kahveh (Little Upsilon) 14   6/3 11:34pm
Room for CEO Corps in LU5 and LU6 (Little Upsilon) 1   6/2 04:51am
Weapons Quality (Little Upsilon) 3   6/1 09:07pm
High welfare, 0 tax, trusted country (Little Upsilon) 2   5/31 03:22am
Presison Bombs Wanted (Little Upsilon) 3   5/30 01:49pm
Need new Corps: 0% tax, high welfare index (Little Upsilon) 1   5/30 12:50am
Post some stats Maestro (Little Upsilon) 3   5/29 10:48am
Looking for Partners In My Space Program (Little Upsilon) 2   5/28 07:22pm
Workers exhange, got High Tech Engineers (Little Upsilon) 3   5/26 10:08pm
LU Statistics: 26 May (Little Upsilon) 2   5/26 09:28pm
CEOs needed in Callowania to invest & develop (Little Upsilon) 2   5/26 01:37am
Looking to trade hi-tech engineers for hi level managers (Little Upsilon) 2   5/25 09:24pm
Buy shares (Little Upsilon) 1   5/25 07:54pm
Enterprises needed in the kingdom of northumbria (Little Upsilon) 3   5/24 03:44am
0 tax for the ceo's (Little Upsilon) 2   5/23 08:05pm
CEO,s Build Corperations In Lancashire (Little Upsilon) 1   5/23 12:06pm
Abaddon, Eden, Terminus - 0% Tax Always (Little Upsilon) 5   5/23 06:31am
The Grand Country of Goporium (Little Upsilon) 1   5/23 06:12am
Offering gold coins for game money (Little Upsilon) 1   5/22 12:50pm
Need low level and med level workers (Little Upsilon) 4   5/21 03:25am
Money Incorporated is Expanding! (Little Upsilon) 21   5/21 01:17am
Question (Little Upsilon) 2   5/20 12:49pm
Lil Quinn is here (Little Upsilon) 8   5/20 09:18am
Strategic Arms sale (Little Upsilon) 6   5/19 01:58am
Cargo Shuttles (Little Upsilon) 3   5/18 09:18pm
Strategic bombers (Little Upsilon) 5   5/17 08:44pm
Offensive air to air missiles WANTED (Little Upsilon) 1   5/17 01:15pm
0 Tax, Many high tech workers still (Little Upsilon) 4   5/16 04:08am
Boycott Request on LU 7   5/15 09:12pm
Buying State Corporations (Little Upsilon) 8   5/15 07:21pm
I want to buy a couple of junk countries on LU (Little Upsilon) 1   5/13 06:23am
Teachers and university teachers wanted (Little Upsilon) 1   5/12 02:58pm
High tech engineers to exchange (Little Upsilon) 1   5/12 03:58am
Wanted: Expert Opinion (Little Upsilon) 8   5/10 11:21pm
CEO? Low on cash? Want loads of 120% production corps? (Little Upsilon) 4   5/10 10:45pm
Migration Index (Little Upsilon) 2   5/10 04:51pm
Ceo seeking homes for corps (Tax friendly country) (Little Upsilon) 3   5/10 08:34am
0 tax (Little Upsilon) 1   5/10 06:34am
Corps for sale (Little Upsilon) 1   5/9 09:59pm
Oblivion open for Corporations (Little Upsilon) 1   5/9 04:32am
A1 Zero Tax Country Plenty of free workers!!! 1   5/7 04:39pm
CEO moving corps (Little Upsilon) 4   5/7 12:03pm
Need private corporations in my country (Little Upsilon) 1   5/6 09:19pm
Earthquake Popularity how low is it? (Little Upsilon) 6   5/6 04:09pm
Help (Little Upsilon) 15   5/6 03:51am
Prince William is the anti christ (Little Upsilon) 19   5/5 09:49pm
Massive Corporation Relocation (Little Upsilon) 31   5/5 12:18pm
Something is wrong with my corps (Little Upsilon) 3   5/4 11:32pm
CEO looking to move corp (Little Upsilon) 6   5/2 08:37pm
Need private corporations in my country (Little Upsilon) 1   5/2 05:36am
New country under Quinton (Little Upsilon) 3   5/2 03:06am
CEOs wanted in KissMyAnthia (LU) 5% tax (Little Upsilon) 1   5/1 11:15pm
Building Corporations in North Raleigh (Little Upsilon) 2   5/1 05:34pm
War Question (Little Upsilon) 7   5/1 03:22am
CEO's Wanted In Realm of Skullz (0% Tax) 4% Unemployment (Little Upsilon) 18   4/30 09:23pm
Corps for Sale! (8% tax rate) (Little Upsilon) 13   4/30 06:23pm
WANTED: CEOs to buid corporation in my country with high unemployment rate: Federal Republic of LAMATER IN LITTLE UPSILON (Little Upsilon) 6   4/30 01:19pm
0% tax in Commonwealth of Kahveh. All State-owned corps for sale (Little Upsilon) 2   4/30 10:07am
Gaia 0% Tax (Little Upsilon) 3   4/30 10:07am
Invitation for CEOs to open corps in Special Economic Regions (Little Upsilon) 13   4/30 10:07am
Corporation Building in Little Upsilon 0% tax rate (Little Upsilon) 1   4/30 10:04am
Back to work schools (Little Upsilon) 9   4/29 01:57pm
Twisters (Little Upsilon) 9   4/29 06:46am
Medical Staff ready to exchange (Little Upsilon) 1   4/28 07:04pm
Worker Exchange (Little Upsilon) 5   4/28 06:34pm
State Corporations Available! (Little Upsilon) 1   4/26 05:27am
CEO looking for low tax countries (Little Upsilon) 6   4/25 08:00pm
High tech engineers to exchange (Little Upsilon) 2   4/25 05:39pm
Question about war (Little Upsilon) 13   4/25 02:49am
Build in Jalvadoro (Little Upsilon) 1   4/20 01:04pm
Corps for sale (Little Upsilon) 1   4/18 04:09am
HELP!!! CEOs NEEDED IN THE RUSSIAN EMPIER (Little Upsilon) 1   4/16 11:45pm
The Aid team (Little Upsilon) 5   4/16 10:45pm
Private corps needed (Little Upsilon) 2   4/15 01:45am
Tax Free Country (Little Upsilon) 3   4/14 04:50am
0% tax company (Little Upsilon) 4   4/14 12:30am
CEO WANTED!! (Little Upsilon) 1   4/13 04:35pm
Workers exhange, got High Tech Engineers (Little Upsilon) 3   4/12 09:08pm
2 0 tax countries (Little Upsilon) 4   4/11 09:37am
Questions (Little Upsilon) 5   4/11 09:33am
Nuc sub and missiles wanted (Little Upsilon) 3   4/11 01:28am
High tech services (Little Upsilon) 11   4/10 08:50pm
0% tax country (Little Upsilon) 1   4/8 05:25pm
Who needs High tech engineers (Little Upsilon) 1   4/7 01:12pm
High Tech Engineers (Little Upsilon) 3   4/7 01:09pm
4 TAX HAVEN 0% COUNTRIES LOOKING FOR CEOS (Little Upsilon) 5   4/6 02:30am
Security Council (Little Upsilon) 21   4/5 06:19am
Need CEO's for countries!! 0% tax!!! (Little Upsilon) 23   4/3 04:04pm
0 TAX, workers finally availible (Little Upsilon) 8   4/3 04:34am
0 Tax, Many high tech workers (Little Upsilon) 11   4/3 04:33am
CEO's Wanted! (0% Tax) (Little Upsilon) 4   4/3 04:32am
Membership help (Little Upsilon) 12   3/27 12:27pm
Need stratigic bombers and missiles (Little Upsilon) 2   3/26 10:12pm
NEED Exchanges (Little Upsilon) 1   3/26 09:44pm
Help Question (Little Upsilon) 6   3/24 03:33pm
The Free People's of Slar Naton invite all CEOs to build; 0% tax (Little Upsilon) 10   3/23 06:54am
Balls... (Little Upsilon) 6   3/23 01:38am
Worker Exchange (Little Upsilon) 1   3/22 04:43pm
Special Clinics (Little Upsilon) 2   3/21 08:44pm
War decs (Little Upsilon) 11   3/21 04:19pm
Holy Britannia Development Investments (Little Upsilon) 4   3/21 06:53am
Econ countries (Fearless Blue) 21   3/18 09:10pm
Cargo Shuttles (Little Upsilon) 2   3/18 05:17pm
Worker Exchange (Little Upsilon) 4   3/18 03:26pm
Health workers needed (Little Upsilon) 1   3/17 02:12am
IDC in LU (new recruites are welcomed) (Little Upsilon) 107   3/16 07:23pm
I'm Buying State Corps (Little Upsilon) 5   3/16 03:00am
Ceo seeking homes for corps (Tax friendly country) (Little Upsilon) 3   3/16 02:59am
CEOs Please (Little Upsilon) 5   3/12 03:37am
MLM and HTE (Little Upsilon) 1   3/11 10:45pm
Health, education, transportation (Little Upsilon) 1   3/11 10:43pm
DIRECT SALES (Little Upsilon) 6   3/11 10:43pm
LLW workers exhange (Little Upsilon) 3   3/10 08:21pm
WOW! (Fearless Blue) 4   3/9 05:32pm
Country looking for highly productive CEOs (Little Upsilon) 1   3/9 02:33am
MASSIVE RELOCATING IN PROGRESS! (White Giant) 35   3/9 12:16am
Worker trades (Little Upsilon) 8   3/8 02:11am
LU Statistics: 6 Mar 2011 (Little Upsilon) 1   3/7 06:52am
WELFARE INDEX !?!?!?!?!??! (Little Upsilon) 6   3/6 09:46pm
Ceo corps invited (Little Upsilon) 4   3/6 06:45am
1 trillion for 3 gc (Little Upsilon) 3   3/6 04:13am
If you are going to multi...... (Little Upsilon) 19   3/5 09:47pm
Hey (Little Upsilon) 1   3/5 03:29am
Dear CEO's (Little Upsilon) 6   3/4 12:51pm
State Corps (Little Upsilon) 1   3/4 03:18am
ALWAYS FOR SALE (Little Upsilon) 1   3/2 02:18pm
Looking for Countries to Build Factories in!!! (Little Upsilon) 6   2/26 04:45am
Asking for Boycott (Little Upsilon) 9   2/25 11:40pm
CEO's needed in 0% tax SharkDolphin (Little Upsilon) 1   2/23 05:11am
:) 10   2/22 05:52am
LU Federation Stats: 19 Feb 2011 (Little Upsilon) 8   2/21 08:23am
Defense for All Looking for Members (Little Upsilon) 2   2/19 11:20pm
4 MILLION WORKERS, 0 TAX (Little Upsilon) 5   2/19 07:47pm
Ahaha! (Little Upsilon) 13   2/18 11:01pm
Teh Flock? (Little Upsilon) 2   2/18 08:17am
No more corps in The revived Kingdom of Quinton (Little Upsilon) 2   2/18 12:37am
Worker Swap1k HTE HTS for 6500 Teachers (Little Upsilon) 3   2/17 10:53pm
Wtf (Little Upsilon) 17   2/16 02:29am
Private FMU needed (Little Upsilon) 1   2/14 04:12pm
A question about war (Little Upsilon) 5   2/14 03:06am
LU President Stats: 11 Feb 2011 (Little Upsilon) 1   2/12 07:38am
LU President Stats: 4 Nov 2010 (Little Upsilon) 4   2/11 11:39pm
Worker trades (Little Upsilon) 2   2/11 05:18am
CEOs are wanted 10% (Little Upsilon) 2   2/10 06:53pm
Need Some Corps? (Little Upsilon) 1   2/10 02:17am
No more corps (Little Upsilon) 1   2/7 08:43pm
Independent Defense Coalition (Kebir Blue) 12   2/7 12:28am
I need some help on LU Please (Little Upsilon) 10   2/4 06:12pm
Any Presidents seeking CEO Investment (Little Upsilon) 6   2/4 08:28am
Corp help (Little Upsilon) 2   2/2 04:57am
Need HTE and Tech (Little Upsilon) 1   1/31 08:37pm
Once Upon A Time..... (Little Upsilon) 17   1/31 07:43pm
Looking for private corps (Little Upsilon) 3   1/31 04:47pm
NiAi Starrepublic is looking for CEO:s (Little Upsilon) 4   1/28 05:54pm
Need some experienced advise (Little Upsilon) 5   1/28 01:48am
Need private corporations (Little Upsilon) 1   1/27 05:58pm
Looking for country to buy (Little Upsilon) 1   1/27 01:00am
BUY STATE CORPS (Little Upsilon) 10   1/26 10:45pm
Needing Trade Market and Federation (Little Upsilon) 1   1/26 03:39pm
Strategic Ammo and Arms Sale (Little Upsilon) 1   1/25 08:08pm
Maestro Workers Trade Board (Little Upsilon) 5   1/24 10:33pm
Reino Colonial For Sale (Little Upsilon) 1   1/24 06:47pm
200 Corporations for sale. (Little Upsilon) 3   1/21 03:57am
State Corporations for Sale (Little Upsilon) 4   1/21 02:09am
Ayyy (Little Upsilon) 6   1/20 06:53am
Profession trades (Little Upsilon) 3   1/15 05:02am
QUESTION!!!!Budget analysis of cost vs. contribution. (Little Upsilon) 1   1/13 11:52pm
The Democratic States of Licentia (Little Upsilon) 3   1/10 10:08am
IDC - "You build it. We bomb it. We build it better." (Golden Rainbow) 14   1/9 05:27am
Doctors for engineers, 0 tax (Little Upsilon) 1   1/6 01:29am
CEO's (Little Upsilon) 2   1/5 06:51pm
I want to open a daily forum (Little Upsilon) 2   1/4 04:55am
Expanding Enterprise (Little Upsilon) 1   1/4 03:33am
CEO searching for business partner(s) (Little Upsilon) 2   1/1 01:08pm
Tax haven for 67 corps (Little Upsilon) 1   12/30 05:51pm
0% Tax - You Know You Want It (LU) (Kebir Blue) 5   12/28 12:05am
CEO's needed in zero tax country (Little Upsilon) 7   12/24 03:43am
Nukes, anybody? (Little Upsilon) 4   12/23 02:37pm
10 Million LLWs (Little Upsilon) 6   12/21 03:31pm
New america 0 tax millions of workers (Little Upsilon) 3   12/20 04:29am
The land of Ed response...asking Senior Leaders to be patient (Little Upsilon) 11   12/20 04:27am
Worker Exchange (Little Upsilon) 1   12/19 06:42pm
Invitation for newish players (Little Upsilon) 2   12/17 06:08am
0% tax country looking for corperations (Little Upsilon) 3   12/15 10:22pm
Corps for sale (Little Upsilon) 1   12/10 01:21am
Buying plutonium (Little Upsilon) 20   12/7 05:19pm
Come build tax free (Little Upsilon) 3   12/7 06:52am
I need places to invest a CEO in (Little Upsilon) 8   12/7 06:52am
Offensive Military contracts requested (Little Upsilon) 1   12/5 06:57am
WTF!!!!!!!! (Little Upsilon) 1   12/3 10:21pm
Goverment spending (Little Upsilon) 2   12/3 10:24am
Secret lovers (Little Upsilon) 9   12/1 07:28pm
Open bidding, shares available (Little Upsilon) 2   11/29 09:26am
Corporations available to relocate to your country (Fearless Blue) 2   11/29 03:10am
Military corporations available for 50B (Little Upsilon) 2   11/29 03:05am
Zero tax country requests CEO's (Little Upsilon) 7   11/27 01:15pm
Looking to Invest and buy corporations in states (Little Upsilon) 4   11/26 06:42pm
Corps? (Little Upsilon) 1   11/26 09:43am
C3's that are begging for presidents. (White Giant) 11   11/26 12:03am
Buy corps in "Green Tree" (Little Upsilon) 1   11/19 12:44am
How Romantic 8   11/16 07:22am
Loading problems (Little Upsilon) 4   11/10 07:15am
Byzantine Empire 0% Tax all CEO welcome (Little Upsilon) 3   11/9 05:25pm
LU Fedeartion Stats: 2 Nov 2010 (Little Upsilon) 7   11/6 09:07am
Just a few words :-) (Little Upsilon) 3   11/5 06:17pm
Looking for CEOs: 0% taxes AND MORE!! (Little Upsilon) 5   11/5 09:09am
Need CEO's!! 0% tax always!! State corps for sale!! (Little Upsilon) 25   11/3 12:54pm
Salaries (Little Upsilon) 7   11/2 02:20am
Need a few good CEO's zero tax country (Little Upsilon) 5   10/30 05:54pm
CEO´S needed in Seocialise! 0% Tax!! (Little Upsilon) 3   10/29 07:41pm
Hwæt CEO god! (Little Upsilon) 1   10/29 02:13am
Looking for Game Assistance (Little Upsilon) 15   10/26 05:43am
I need a shuttle (Little Upsilon) 5   10/24 06:44pm
Buy corps ZERO TAX FOR A CENTURY (Little Upsilon) 1   10/22 05:22am
Nukes (Little Upsilon) 6   10/21 06:04am
CEO's 0% Tax! (Little Upsilon) 3   10/20 09:12pm
Chemical missles wanted (Little Upsilon) 1   10/16 08:44am
CEOS (Little Upsilon) 2   10/13 05:18am
State Corps for Sale, New Corps and Transfers Welcome (Little Upsilon) 5   10/12 05:19am
Closing an enterprise (Little Upsilon) 1   10/2 09:30pm
The Cuesta Solution needs a few good CEO's (Little Upsilon) 5   10/1 10:50pm
Countries for sale on LU! (Little Upsilon) 1   9/29 04:45pm
New York needs CEOs (Little Upsilon) 3   9/29 04:44pm
Corporations for sale in a few countries (White Giant) 1   9/28 11:55pm
Need 0% or Low Tax Countrie (Little Upsilon) 11   9/28 02:59pm
Starter Countries (Little Upsilon) 1   9/27 10:53pm
CEO Havens (Little Upsilon) 5   9/26 11:57pm
Ceo's invest in my country pls.. (Little Upsilon) 2   9/26 11:56pm
Odd things that are happening in my main's corps.. (Little Upsilon) 6   9/25 09:36pm
I Spy With My Little Eye (Little Upsilon) 8   9/22 07:03am
Important/Importante/Importantilissimo/Portantimplay (Little Upsilon) 8   9/21 10:53pm
Democracy In Action!!!! 9   9/21 01:30am
Airport Needed !!!! Thank (Little Upsilon) 2   9/19 01:14am
Fully Upgraded Corp Sale (Little Upsilon) 2   9/17 04:14pm
Nuclear contracts wanted (Little Upsilon) 11   9/13 05:09pm
Ceos Wanted! (Little Upsilon) 2   9/13 02:22am
COD 13   9/11 07:45pm
Because It's Sexy (Little Upsilon) 15   9/10 10:32pm
0% Tax, just bought 10mill Pop (Little Upsilon) 1   9/8 06:28am
CEO Foundation (Little Upsilon) 9   9/4 07:22pm
Why all the Hatin'? (Little Upsilon) 5   9/3 10:59pm
I'm BACK (Little Upsilon) 1   9/3 02:53am
LU Federation Stats (Little Upsilon) 3   8/29 07:18am
Queen of The Asset Raiders (Little Upsilon) 82   8/27 07:18pm
SPAM (Kebir Blue) 18   8/26 02:45pm
That was rude ..... (Little Upsilon) 4   8/26 05:37am
Proving a Point (Little Upsilon) 26   8/24 04:32am
Need gasoline and aircraft fuel contracts (Little Upsilon) 3   8/22 06:22am
JAMES I (Little Upsilon) 15   8/22 03:47am
CEO's (Little Upsilon) 1   8/21 08:46am
Looking for Offer (Little Upsilon) 1   8/20 02:09am
!!!Plutonium!!! (Little Upsilon) 1   8/17 05:12am
MORNING NEWS 8/13/2010: PKU REIGNS SUPREME ON LU!! (Little Upsilon) 12   8/15 07:38pm
I'm back (Little Upsilon) 1   8/15 06:49pm
Build corps in the Etellte Confederation! (Little Upsilon) 3   8/15 06:05pm
The PKU Grows Ever Stronger! (Little Upsilon) 18   8/13 05:01pm
Mass workers in new america zero tax (Little Upsilon) 1   8/13 02:51am
Countries for sale (Little Upsilon) 1   8/12 09:20pm
I Need A Few Good CEOs... (Little Upsilon) 4   8/12 12:51am
Need nuke batteries (Little Upsilon) 4   8/11 09:36pm
Public Service Announcement (Little Upsilon) 11   8/11 04:39pm
Apocalypta Magnifacata (Little Upsilon) 4   8/10 02:44am
Give me Moar (Little Upsilon) 22   8/7 11:25pm
Build good corps in Ironhorse! (Little Upsilon) 10   8/3 07:09pm
I need CEOS (Little Upsilon) 1   8/3 07:51am
CEO for sale (Little Upsilon) 1   7/31 02:51am
Join Peace Keepers United! (Little Upsilon) 10   7/30 08:58am
High tech engineers for High tech executives and seniors (Little Upsilon) 1   7/29 05:43am
Cotton Candy (Little Upsilon) 5   7/29 03:57am
The Dealy-Yo (Little Upsilon) 5   7/29 12:29am
0 zero tax forever in NEW AMERICA (Little Upsilon) 1   7/28 08:41pm
Player Statistics (Little Upsilon) 7   7/27 08:43pm
CEOs Wanted (Little Upsilon) 1   7/27 12:30am
Federation Stats 2640 (Little Upsilon) 2   7/26 11:42pm
Something Must Change (Little Upsilon) 44   7/26 05:14pm
Nukes Wanted (Little Upsilon) 1   7/24 07:58am
Plenty of room for CEOs (Little Upsilon) 7   7/23 12:49am
GAME ADVISEMENT (Little Upsilon) 2   7/21 03:08pm
Corps for Sale (Little Upsilon) 1   7/21 12:40am
Nuclear Arms for sale (Little Upsilon) 3   7/19 10:32pm
Worket Exchange (Little Upsilon) 1   7/19 04:15am
CORPS FOR SALE (Little Upsilon) 2   7/17 08:41am
Labor Mismatch - LU World (Little Upsilon) 2   7/17 05:28am
Lots of LLWs (Little Upsilon) 10   7/16 03:46am
Enteprise please build corapration in my country 0 tax (Little Upsilon) 1   7/15 05:38pm
CEOS WANTED (Little Upsilon) 1   7/15 04:07pm
Stats By Continent (Little Upsilon) 4   7/14 12:27pm
Low tax? Want CEOs? Take a peek. (Little Upsilon) 3   7/14 12:18pm
Ceos wanted (Little Upsilon) 3   7/14 12:16pm
CEO looking for countries to move into (Little Upsilon) 11   7/14 12:15pm
HIGH TECH WORKERS AND HEALTH WORKERS (Little Upsilon) 4   7/14 02:46am
KEEP COMING TO NEW AMERICA (Little Upsilon) 2   7/12 09:46am
To the Lock & Load Federation (Little Upsilon) 6   7/12 07:31am
CEOs Build CORPS is HEAVEN (Little Upsilon) 1   7/11 05:43am
NEW AMERICA (Little Upsilon) 1   7/11 02:42am
CEOS!! YOUR DREAMS ARE IN NEW AMERICA! ZERO TAX (Little Upsilon) 5   7/10 10:45pm
WORKERS IN NEW AMERICA (Little Upsilon) 1   7/9 11:31pm
High Level Workers (Little Upsilon) 1   7/6 10:00pm
Looking for CEOs (Little Upsilon) 7   7/6 04:19pm
Attention CEO's Come build or relocate (Little Upsilon) 5   7/6 04:18pm
Workers (Little Upsilon) 2   7/5 01:19am
Approving CEO Corps & Relocations (Little Upsilon) 3   7/4 05:11pm