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Some ideas on countries

Topics: Suggestions: Some ideas on countries

Lord Mndz

Thursday, July 1, 2021 - 11:35 am Click here to edit this post
Hi All,

Today all countries despite of their geographical position are very much similar. I was thinking another day what would make people want different countries and cause some competition to get them.

here are my ideas and you are welcome to add more or comment on suggested.

  • Population - Now population depends on birth rates which are slightly impacted by health index. Countries with the same Health index will always have more or less the same population. I suggest:
    • adding some random factor/number on top of existing birth rate for each country, which could change a little bit depending on situations like country take over, purchase/sell of population, welfare index, game level etc. This would create very fun dynamic where countries differ in size and each country should be treated differently in its development.
    • Some very few countries could have very good birth rates allowing to have much higher population than the rest. This would cause competition between players to find and fight for these countries.
  • Economical power - I suggest to make corporations with higher "Game level needed" to have much higher profitability. Like game level 1 corporations- 1B/month and game lvl 10 - 10B/month. This would encourage improving countries to higher game levels at the same time building more profitable corporations to cover the costs. Such highly developed countries would be very attractive targets. Corporations with higher game level could not be destroyed in war.
  • Military and other assets - they can be currently destroyed when people see that they are about to lose a war. I suggest prohibit destruction of weapons when country is in war
  • Cash assets - It used to be one of the most attractive factor to wage wars for, but currently cash can be simply transferred to game account which prevents people from getting it. I suggest adding:
    • "Plunder/raid war" - During such war winner of the war would not be able to take over the country, instead just get cash and other game assets. Presidents under the "plunder/raid" war would not be able to move cash out or destroy any assets. Corporations would only be damaged until 99%. I really think this would be fun to play :)
  • Natural Resources - I suggest adding some unlimited kind of natural resources in some countries. Everyone would love to have a country with 100 Oil corporations that would never be depleted.

Matthew I

Saturday, July 10, 2021 - 04:34 am Click here to edit this post
I think this would help bring some competition into the war-starved game. Or maybe push some players on the edge over to the war side.

Having war goals for particular things might help reduce the fear many have regarding the function. As war is currently all or nothing, 95% of the player base is unwilling to even look at it. With a bulk of new players, and even moderately experienced,

War in general needs a revamp. If it is optional, no one participates. The only planet that is not a ghost town is White Giant and that is primarily because the WGA made it a goal to stir up activity and get players to WL3.

Matthew I

Saturday, July 10, 2021 - 04:34 am Click here to edit this post
and even then, a vast majority of players just outright are afraid of it.

Michael M

Sunday, August 22, 2021 - 01:10 am Click here to edit this post
Great ideas Lord Mndz

Jiggle Billy

Monday, August 23, 2021 - 05:49 pm Click here to edit this post
I think with the Cash Assets section should be like your military assets section, once a war is started nothing can be moved out of the country until the war ends. Or heavily limit the movement, either a percentage per day or require it be shipped via space, this could lead to some very interesting strategies to defend the space center.

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