Simcountry is a multiplayer Internet game in which you are the president, commander in chief, and industrial leader. You have to make the tough decisions about cutting or raising taxes, how to allocate the federal budget, what kind of infrastructure you want, etc..
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Suggestions for corporation purchasing

Topics: Suggestions: Suggestions for corporation purchasing


Sunday, February 18, 2024 - 10:11 pm Click here to edit this post
I have 3 suggestions that I think would help corporations that are using contracts:

1) That corporations not make automatic purchases of goods that have supply contracts, or at least have an option to skip (or reduce) such automatic purchases. Currently: dipping below the low water mark will trigger at least a 7 month purchase "off the global market".

2) Corporations that fail to deliver the full amount of their contracts back order the shortage, to be made up in future months, with the back order showing up as another contract with a limited duration of 1 month, but for the full amount of the short.

3) That the minimum purchase order size for goods on a contract be reduced to 1 month, either optionally, or automatically, as it is presumed that the contract will continue as soon as the supplying corporation's issues get resolved.


Monday, February 19, 2024 - 03:37 am Click here to edit this post
I would also suggest that the country and company contract screens be combined, so that you can go to 1 place to review and accept contracts.

I reiterate my suggestion that contracts you offer to an entity that you also own be automatically accepted. There is 0 reason to have the multiple additional clicks to go to the other country, or a corporation in the other country, and accept the contract there. You can already offer a contract that is automatically accepted by the same country.

Similarly: Trading within your country counts as local. Trading with another country you control is considered international, and a negative. This would be like Wisconsin considering it a negative to sell cheese in other states.

Or like a national chain considering it a negative to distribute to all of their franchise locations. If you own both countries, it should be a positive more so than trading with other players in your market group.

And PLEASE stop sending multiple mail messages everywhere each time a contract is offered. I had about a hundred messages just from my robotics corporation to set up the supply lines with the rest of my corporations. Each message takes multiple clicks to remove.

This game has grown in depth and complexity since I played it years ago.
Those are normally good things, but it has gotten very spammy, click intensive, and convoluted, and I honestly feel like the game was better before because it took me a couple hours to accomplish what has taken me a couple of days this time around, despite now basically knowing what to do.

And it isn't that the learning curve is higher, it is that all the extra clicking makes it harder to remember things like "which company was I sending chems to, and how many?" or "How much bread did both of my countries need again?" because I got distracted deleting the multiple purchased the TURNED OFF auto system has ordered...that my corporations automatically deliver anyway.

How bad it is?

I have seriously considered deleting my country multiple times today, and even considered leaving the game entirely, for good. That's harsh condemnation for a game I returned to because I thought it was great.


Monday, February 19, 2024 - 12:20 pm Click here to edit this post
I only glanced at this, because i'm short on time, but


And PLEASE stop sending multiple mail messages everywhere each time a contract is offered. I had about a hundred messages just from my robotics corporation to set up the supply lines with the rest of my corporations. Each message takes multiple clicks to remove.

I don't feel as strongly, but i'd say this should be considered. I've got over 3k messages in my inbox, from the direct sales stuff i do on TA, often times, dozens of messages in my TA main

Eeeee OOOooo

Monday, February 19, 2024 - 04:13 pm Click here to edit this post
Agree. In particular when sending corporations from your own ceos to your own countries as well.

The majority of messages in my inbox are from things I initiated myself. I do not need a notification of what I just did.

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