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Useful information on order details

Topics: Suggestions: Useful information on order details


Tuesday, February 20, 2024 - 12:04 am Click here to edit this post
Currently, if you click on the details for an order your country has placed, or that you've manually placed for your country, it tells you

You Ordered
Stock you already have
Order Strategy
Current Market Price
Requested Quality

What is notably missing is:
1) How many are on hand currently (This information is available if you're selling, and in other places, but this is where it would be useful in making a decision on replacing or cancelling the order)

2) Current status of the strategy (What price was last offered? How much would be the next offer?)

If my order failed to go through, it would be useful to know what price was too low?

All information relevant to making the decision options on the page should also be available on the page.

Edit: Current contracts would also be useful to know here.
For example:
If I use 50k widgets per month, and a contract delivering 50k per month, then I can safely cancel a contract for 600k widgets, even if I only have 100k in stock, so I'm below the low water level.

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