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Getting a Corp to Raise Salary (Golden Rainbow)

Topics: Problems: Getting a Corp to Raise Salary (Golden Rainbow)

Joe3811 (Golden Rainbow)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009 - 11:54 pm Click here to edit this post
I've had this problem several time. A corp goes into debt, as soon as there's a downturn the GM's cut salary. At that point I notice, pay off the debt, key in a salary target so the Corp can gear back up, BUT NOTHING HAPPENS TO SALARY LEVEL.

It seems that this only happens sometimes, usually when I pay off debt and key in a raise in salary, salary slowly increases (5% per month) and the Corp gets going again, but not all the time. I've discovered that if I switch hiring and production to automatic for a few months, then back to 100% Salary will slowly increase and my corp will slowly creep back to profitability.

Is this a bug or something the GM's put in to keep the game as tedious as possible?

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