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Shuttle Bug

Topics: Problems: Shuttle Bug


Saturday, May 4, 2013 - 08:34 am Click here to edit this post
Hi i notice that few of my shuttles after they finish with transporting mission fly to Golden Rainbow.

For example i put some transport request from FB to LU and after shuttle finish they fly to Golden Rainbow i currently dont have country or enterprise on GR

Hera are logs for my shuttle named: Bexford

May 04 08:01 Scheduled a flight to image Golden Rainbow
May 04 08:00 Scheduled a flight to image Golden Rainbow
May 04 07:59 Scheduled a flight to image Golden Rainbow
May 04 07:58 Scheduled a flight to image Golden Rainbow
May 04 07:57 Scheduled a flight to image Golden Rainbow
May 04 07:57 Scheduled a flight to image Golden Rainbow
May 04 07:56 Scheduled a flight to image Golden Rainbow
May 04 07:55 Scheduled a flight to image Golden Rainbow
May 04 07:54 Scheduled a flight to image Golden Rainbow
May 04 07:53 Scheduled a flight to image Golden Rainbow
May 04 07:53 Scheduled a flight to image Golden Rainbow
May 04 07:52 Scheduled a flight to image Golden Rainbow

As you can see from logs shuttle is on GR and he fly there each minute

as i notice missions don't drop

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