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Incorrect Contracts Not kept messages.

Topics: Problems: Incorrect Contracts Not kept messages.


Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 03:59 pm Click here to edit this post
Receiving these in a number of corporations in the Grand Duchy of Ney.

For Example:

Marshal Armored Vehicles

Contracts not kept. The quantity promised in contracts exceeds the current production. Check your contracts.
Production last month was on target.

Market Situation for Armored Vehicle
58 42

Product Offered but not Sold yet 45
Product in Stock but not Offered on the Market 5
Product Retained Each Month For Contracts 4
Maximum Production Capacity Per Month 40
Estimated Production This Month 40

Sell Armored Vehicles to Aalton Def Weapons Maintenance 4 vehicles until canceled 10.31M SC$ per vehicle cancel

4 out of 40 contracted. 40 produced. There should be no error message given.


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 - 04:49 pm Click here to edit this post
Dug a little deeper. One problem seems to be rounding errors on the system's part.

Only contracts these entitites have is common market. Common market set aside done as a per centage. Contracts that were done by the computer and the amount set aside by the automated system for contracts exceeds production. (for xample by 10 in a corp that produces almost 2 million product.)

While that is true in some cases, in others, I have no explanation. (Not counting the one that was my fault due to a shortage of workers.)

I repeat, there are corporations whose contracted amount, and the amount set aside for possible contracts do not equal base production. They are still receiving the error message. So it's not all rounding errors on the system's part.


Thursday, October 13, 2016 - 07:16 pm Click here to edit this post
As I remember this feature, the error is shown if the delivered quantity is smaller than the number of products contracted.

The reason for a smaller than contracted delivery is not important. It just tells you that the number delivered is too small.

If you have a case where this is not so; you can check the log of products sold, please let us know and please specify the name of the country (and world) and the name of the corporation.

we will then look into it.


Friday, October 14, 2016 - 05:39 pm Click here to edit this post
I'll see if I can provide more concrete examples. Will be overhauling my Enterprise's common market stuff later today.

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