Simcountry is a multiplayer Internet game in which you are the president, commander in chief, and industrial leader. You have to make the tough decisions about cutting or raising taxes, how to allocate the federal budget, what kind of infrastructure you want, etc..
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War limits

Topics: Problems: War limits


Friday, February 24, 2023 - 07:50 am Click here to edit this post
Seems I hit another limit 500 I thought this was addressed several months ago and limits were removed. It seems unreasonable. The vast majority of players stay at war level 3. There's not much benefit or reward in going higher. With the adjustments made to the cost of purchasing weapons there is no real benefit in fighting C3. The game rewards are too small it's just not worth the time or game money to fight C3 to gain higher war levels. Is there anything you can do? I understand this is an unusual situation and I appreciate the difficulty my request may put you in. Any response would be welcomed.
Fearless Blue The Brain.


Thursday, March 2, 2023 - 03:14 pm Click here to edit this post
I do not understand the limitation.
what is the 500 limit?


Thursday, March 2, 2023 - 06:40 pm Click here to edit this post
I can only be attacked or declare war on countries at war levels 4 or higher. It looks like 500 was a limit set at wars to be fought at level 3. I would think on Fearless Blue that this would contradict the fact this is the war world. Not to mention it may render my empire useless in a federation with other countries. I hope you can address my concerns. I need to do some major restructuring if nothing can be done. My empire would be impossible to maintain without the ability to fight countries at war level 3 . I do thank you for your response please get back to me when possible.
Rob Jones
The Brain
Fearless Blueprint


Friday, March 3, 2023 - 02:43 pm Click here to edit this post
I wonder about the reason to attack countries at war level 3.
These are quite trivial wars for an experienced player.

For a long time players tried to convince us that fighting countries at war level 3 was not for assets.
so why?


Saturday, March 4, 2023 - 06:17 am Click here to edit this post
Controlled Population Transfer.
I will use my main country. The Brain (Fearless Blue) as an example. All my countries have the same problem, but at different levels. every game month without exception. They all lose population to a point it has a direct effect on the country's economy. using gold coins never has been able to fill the needs The shortages are in every category. However the solution has been conquering presidents level 3 and transferring 400000 from each country. (Taking the workers from each trade doctors, medium level managers, low level workers ever trade) and filling each country's required needs. This is the short answer.
Every game month (EVERY GAME MONTH) I must log on and transfer 400,000 from a concord president as well transfer 200,000 workers internally just to keep my employment steady. If I miss one game month my shortage on low, medium and high level workers will go from (-600,000 to-1,000,000 Low) -(200,000 to - 300,000 medium) (-150,000 to -225,000 high workers.) without exceptions. If I miss two months in a row its shortage becomes greater at three months I need to start buying population as well as continue max population transfer from concord presidents.
Now you can make money, it's not a lot but there's enough to pay for the cost of the war to restock the weapons and ammo used. Slightly build up your infrastructure.
The Brain Stats
Population 277,353,287
Employment 87.64%

School's 296%
High School's 300%
University's 297%

Health 169%

Road's 186%
Rail's 187%
Water treatment 187%

Fin 97%
Without the ability to fight level 3 presidents I would not be able to have these stats. I'm not a math genius I have no understanding of how the markets and investments work in this game. My survival is completely dependent on fighting level 3 presidents. Remember my empire depends on it. Just so you understand I never proceed in a war that the president does not want to fight.(only two exceptions I can recall) out of the 500+ wars. I could go on, but I don't want to waste any more of your time. If you need better clarification ask each question individually and I will answer each one.
Again thank you for your time on this matter.
Rob Jones
The Brain Fearless Blue


Saturday, March 4, 2023 - 04:18 pm Click here to edit this post
I can imagine that some population is lost at a very high level.
this is not taking place at the 100 to 150 million level.
At 200 million plus, and worse at 400-600 million levels the problem is larger.

we think that countries with such high population levels should remain a challenge.

Population reductions are a fraction of what they were before.

if you are experiencing large population drop at lower population levels, please let me know where and I will look into it.


Saturday, March 4, 2023 - 10:13 pm Click here to edit this post
This problem exist at all levels of population. What I was doing allowed me to keep all 15 countries moving forward. I am confused why on a war planet you would have any restriction on the amount of wars one could have. This goes against the entire reasoning to have a war planet. Too few people move past level 3. Now am I impotent when it comes to federations where everyone else stays at level 3? I started playing this game around 2001, this will be my 3rd round. There's only been a hand full of players that go beyond 100 wars let alone 500. Asking me to Adjust my population, I know it's not meant to be but insulting. So will you help me with this situation?It could be years before another player will be singled out for this. If not what is your reasoning? How is this a negative impact? Your going to tell me something I have worked years on and have put real money into needs to be torn down?
I would like you to reconsider this rule. It is completely unjustified. I will wait for your final decision.
Thank You For Your Time.
Rob Jones
The Brain Fearless Blue


Saturday, March 4, 2023 - 11:23 pm Click here to edit this post
I agree with Rob there should be no limits on the number of wars. I also use level 3 countries won in war to increase population to increase both my health and education levels


Monday, March 6, 2023 - 01:02 pm Click here to edit this post
Population is growing in most of the countries I look at.
This is at the normal range of population.
At very very high levels there is a population decline.
it used to be very large and we have been able to reduce it to lower numbers.

natural death at all ages is the reason for some declines in very large countries.

you can fight as many wars as you want.
you mean at war level 3.

we were asked to make it possible to fight level 3 wars.
the argument was that these wars are not for resources.
now it seems these wars are for resources, moving population out.

This is not as intended.

you can continue doing so but after so many wars at war level 3, you fight them at war level 4 and later even higher.

wars against war level 3 countries are, as requested, intended to make it possible to extend your empire to far away regions without the need to purchase them, or reorganise your empire with countries close to each other etc.

taking out resources used to be THE reason for such wars, including cash and materials we have already done a lot to prevent it but it seems to continue.

Lord Mndz

Monday, March 6, 2023 - 08:40 pm Click here to edit this post
My opinion,- a player is activelly playing war for his benefit without hurting anyone, - there is nothing fundamentally wrong with this. Restrictions like this one distracted more players than kept them playing.

If players find some activities that they enjoy, game admins should encourage that to more players, not otherwise, because this is playing. I will never understand why protecting some additional cash sources is so important to w3c, players use this cash to keep playing and they leave when getting cash is becoming too complicated.

Let people play, while they play and be glad that they like your game


Monday, March 6, 2023 - 09:09 pm Click here to edit this post


Tuesday, March 7, 2023 - 02:37 am Click here to edit this post
Population Growth.
Not sure where you are looking. In my experience the population declines as soon as you start building up your country.Infrastructure, education,health. Once you start building the corporations growth dramatically slows. The next stage becomes worker shortages in your corporation. The fact that the game way over orders products that are in demand causes the corps to take out loans they should not need. With shortage in workers these corps cannot generate enough money to pay off their loans and are either dismantled or go into bankruptcy and are forced closed. Adding population while building your country stops this. Next you want to build up your military, Fearless Blue is the war world and your advice is to do this quickly. So what does this do? It strains your work force even more. Not only that it begins the second stage of the countries demise (failure) leading to massive country debt. Again adding population stops this. It allows you to keep building the infrastructure corporations and military. This cycle continues throughout the game. I can see that you have gifted players who are wizards with the stock markets, investment funds maximizing corporate profits etc. I will bet most players are not.
War with war level 3 presidents
I find your response here quite remarkable. War with these countries should not be to gain assets(Resources). In fact you have put in code to try and prevent this. So it's meant to only extend your empire so you do not need to purchase countries. Really personally I don't recall reading this anywhere in the game documentation, recommendations, rules.
Okay, we have a war world where war is not used to gain assets or to increase population. So I'm trying to see what the purpose of having a war world is.
Game facts.
1st every war with the president at level 3 offers different resources, gains,military items and products.
2nd 95% of players never go beyond war level 3
3rd there are war level 3 countries 100 of trillions in product as well as game money.
I could keep going, but the point I'm trying to make is that this is where the game is played.
War is fought for these main reasons. To gain resources, To gain military equipment to gain population,to increase game money to extend your empire,to strengthen your empire. None of this should be relevant to Fearless Blue. This planet was specifically designed to be the war planet. Thus there should be no limits no restrictions on why or with whom war is fought against once at level 3. None of Your reasoning is logical. Every war is fought for gain.
I implore you to remove any war restrictions once at level 3. These wars are not against computer controlled countries. Waiting for them to fail to go into bankruptcy and then be restructured by the game master should be the last thing you want.
Rob Jones


Wednesday, March 8, 2023 - 11:17 am Click here to edit this post

Please give me a name of a world and country where this happens at a population level under 120M.

there is no connection at all between population growth or decline and corporations and infrastructure.

the only factores are the size of the population and the health and welfare index.
Transfers of population and sale of population can cause changes in the number of people in each age group and can cause severe declines.
we have advised against systematic moving of population.

Please give me some examples.


Wednesday, March 8, 2023 - 11:26 am Click here to edit this post
We will discuss the limits on the number of wars here and I will come back with a reaction.

I have by the way, countries that are exteremely profitable, without any wars and no population movements.

Cash cows that produce profits each and every month.

looking around as we do, I see very large numbers of such countries and enterprises. Profit levels are high.

We used to have complaints about profitability in the past. It is a long time now that we do not have them.

I personally am responsible for a systematic improvement of the profitability profile of all corporations and this effort is on going for a very long period.


Wednesday, March 8, 2023 - 02:21 pm Click here to edit this post
You have players who understand markets,investments ETC. I do not. I would bet that the vast majority of players who leave do not either. Everyone deserves a chance to make it regardless of how they do it. The established players will deal with people who show poor ethics. I have enjoyed this game for many years. Not one time have I been a financial success, yet I have made it to the top rankings steadily and have kept strong empires. Let the players decide how to deal with players like me. These types of limits will ultimately lead to my demise and force me out of the game.
I do appreciate you taking your time and dealing with me. I can see that we both look at this situation differently.
With all respect.
Rob Jones


Wednesday, March 8, 2023 - 02:23 pm Click here to edit this post
To your first post, go through the history of my empire.
Rob Jones
The Brain
Fearless Blue

Lord Mndz

Wednesday, March 8, 2023 - 02:55 pm Click here to edit this post

I hope you can also review profitability of corporations based on game level they require. This would ensure that growing country game levels is supported by more profitable corporations.


Wednesday, March 8, 2023 - 09:41 pm Click here to edit this post

The Brain has 276 million people.
at this level, the population should shows a slow decline.
Countries grow their population normally up to 120-130 millions.

The population of the country however, has some reversed numbers in many age groups.

the 4-8 group should be a little smaller than the 0-4 age group.
this is not the case.

18 to 21 should be bigger than the the 21 to 24 group.
this is not the case.

the reason is population movements.

Also, you should look into the education priorities as they do not promote full employment.

despite it, the country is very profitable but could be even much more profitable.

I think that you should drop the population movements for some time and let the population distribution correct itself in time.
when you fix the education and unemployment, you will probably end up with a smaller population and a larger profit.


Thursday, March 9, 2023 - 05:56 am Click here to edit this post
1) Stop moving the population into The Brain that will cover the losses of low, medium and high level workers.
As I write Brains stats

Low level workers unemployed 20,272 Needed for 100% employment 668,913
Medium level workers unemployed 173,483 Needed for 100% employment 659,913
Hi level workers unemployed 58,322 Needed for 100% employment 227,482

As of now even though I need employees for corporations in the above categories. All other worker types I have way more than I need in every category. So do not transfer workers from this pool.

Unemployed low level managers 4,546,696 Needed for 100% employment 144,011
---------- Medium level managers 4,819,967 Needed for 100% employment 77,015
This trend follows all the way down.
Normally I would move 200,000 in my country to fill the shortages.(every game month, most days I do) so 1,200,000 per 24hr period. At the same time I would transfer 400,000 from a level 3 concord country. 2,400,000 in a 24hr period just to The Brain Total 3,600,000 per 24hrs all to the shortages above. And I still can't stop the shortages unless done for 5/6 days in a row. The first game month I miss this pattern starts all over.
The situation is similar in my other countries. (varying levels)
Today the last employees In a concord level 3 will be gone the population will be under 12,000,000 and I will cancel it. However due to the war limit now imposed on me this work force will no longer be available to me.
You believe that if I wait it out that the shortages will be corrected.You can see why with the numbers above mentioned I might have some skepticism.
Unless you have changed your mind now I will give your advice a chance. the next 48hrs I will bite the bullet and see what happens.
I still want to be able to fight level 3 presidents, again Fearless Blue is the War world. It still helps me maintain and slightly increase my military capabilities and incoming cash very slightly in most cases is gained. My personal beliefs this is the sole purpose of Fearless Blue being identified as the war world. Please remove this restriction and allow me to bring what I bring to Fearless Blue. Allow the players to decide what they fill is acceptable and then they will do what they fill is necessary to address not just me , but anyone they may have a problem with their game style.
I do thank you for the time and energy you have taken with me.
Rob Jones
The Brain
Fearless Blue


Thursday, March 9, 2023 - 11:48 am Click here to edit this post
I would stop moving people into the country because the age groups are distorted and show an upside down distribution.

I would move professionals from the groups where you have millions of unemployed, to the workers groups to allow for more people to get employed.

I would also reduce education priorities to zero in the professions where there are millions unemployed.

This will help to increase numbers in the workers groups.

high education priorities keep draining large numbers of workers by making them professionals.


Thursday, March 9, 2023 - 01:12 pm Click here to edit this post
We will look into the details and numbers of C3 wars and will increase the limits.

It may take some time to complete but we will make sure it enters the next upgrade or the one following it.


Thursday, March 9, 2023 - 02:12 pm Click here to edit this post
Thank you for everything.
Rob Jones


Saturday, May 13, 2023 - 02:40 am Click here to edit this post
Just checking the status, Andy you had stated that the war limitations would be removed / adjusted in the next two upgrades. I would like to see them removed all together. I just checked and there has been no change. Can you provide an idea when this might be addressed?
Rob Jones
The Brain
Fearless Blue

PS. I know you do not like duplicate messages I apologies.


Sunday, July 9, 2023 - 05:54 am Click here to edit this post
I realize you have been busy, you did say that you will be increasing the number of wars at lev 3 adjusting the number of wars which is still limited to 500 in the next two upgrades. This was back in March 2023. Is this something you're still willing to do?
The Brain
Fearless Blue


Wednesday, July 12, 2023 - 06:14 am Click here to edit this post
Andy I would like some clarity on razing war limits beyond 500 wars at level 3. I need to start making adjustments to my empire if the policy is not adjusted.
The Brain
Fearless Blue


Sunday, July 23, 2023 - 10:27 pm Click here to edit this post
Any news on this Andy?
The Brain
Fearless Blue


Tuesday, July 25, 2023 - 01:24 pm Click here to edit this post
I am sorry for the delay.
I will discuss the limits on FB with an engineer in our next meeting and try to resove the problem.


Friday, August 18, 2023 - 05:45 am Click here to edit this post
I know you're busy, your crew has a lot on your plate. Try to fit the fix in soon.
The Brain Fearless Blue


Friday, August 25, 2023 - 11:51 pm Click here to edit this post
We're going on six months now. Any updates?
The Brain
Fearless Blue

Eeeee OOOooo

Monday, August 28, 2023 - 10:04 pm Click here to edit this post
I completely agree with Rob.

The wars against war level 3 countries are generally not about whether or not the war is "trivial" or helps a player "learn" anything. I don't understand why this matters. Beyond war level 5ish (wherever stealths start coming into play), players don't particularly learn anything climbing the war levels either. It's just a matter of needing more and more guns and ammo while clicking more at higher war levels. The concepts remain exactly the same. I don't understand why after x number of wars on the war world players are limited to playing against the computer. Perhaps there is a good reason.

Now that Rob's at the limit, is he supposed to just... never really play the way he's been playing anymore? Clearly regular wars against these countries have been a major reason he's kept playing (and paying to keep playing).

Why can a player do 499 wars but not 501? :) I'd guess it was never anticipated a player would reach this number of wars.

Curious to hear about the reasoning behind keeping this limit if there is one. Thanks in advance for the info when it comes, Andy.

Eeeee OOOooo

Tuesday, August 29, 2023 - 12:08 am Click here to edit this post
Addendum - apologies! Apparently I need more sleep and didn't see the parts where it sounds like Andy agreed to bump the limit up.

Obviously, I agreed with the reasoning Mndz, Rob, and Jeff all had.


Tuesday, August 29, 2023 - 07:08 am Click here to edit this post
Thanks for your comments, It is good that you are back. The game needs players like you.


Friday, September 1, 2023 - 03:34 pm Click here to edit this post
It is on our plan for a long time.
too many issue have prevented a solution but I do promise to resolve it in the next upgrade.

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