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Simcountry - Game Overview

Simcountry is an Online Digital World where you are the president of a country or a leader of an empire.

You can play a peaceful game or you can try to conquer many other countries and create a powerful empire.

You can create digital assets that can be traded on the open market for Simcountry Gold Coins and can be exchanged for cash.

Some play Simcountry as CEOs of Enterprises that build corporations in many countries, sell their products on the market trade assets, and develop into large economic powers. Many players run both countries and enterprises.

The Worlds

Simcountry has five worlds running. Each world has up to ten continents and many regions. As a president, you can cooperate with others in trading, and you can share in their defense as a member or leader of one of the many federations. You can also decide to go it alone.

All worlds run six game months per 24 hours. Playing Simcountry, it is possible to automate many of the game functions but it is also possible to manage all aspects of your countries and enterprises.

The War Game and Peaceful Countries (Secured mode)

New presidents are protected from war and do not need to worry about defense at all. Their countries are always in Secured mode and cannot be attacked by anyone. Secured mode will remain in force indefinately and can only be turned off if the country leader wants to turn it off.

A country in secured mode cannot be attacked and can never attack another country with a president. It is able however, to declare war and fight a country that does not have a president, conquer it and build an empire. Such war will not change the secured mode, it will remain in place.

A player who has more than one country in a single world (called an empire in the game) can have secured mode for one country. The other countries in the empire do not have secured mode and in general, can participate in wars. These countries must make sure they are defended and may be attacked by others.

It is possible to set "Temporary war protection" for each country and prevent war. There are some conditions attached to this function. It is intended for periods when the user is on vacation or not available. Temporary war protection can be extended indefinately by use of boosters.

The Fearless Blue world does not have secured mode. Fearless Blue is a war world. New players enjoy 2 weeks of war protection (42 game months) and can turn temporary war protection on if they are on vacation or not available for a short period. In general, Fearless Blue is the place where wars are more common.

Playing the full game requires country leaders to build an army.

The army is divided into a defensive force, an offensive force and a strategic force. The defensive force can deter others from launching an attack against your country. It can also cause severe damage to any attacking force and reduce the effects of such attacks.

If you intend to conquer other countries, you will need to setup a strong offensive army, possibly with a navy and sometimes even nuclear weapons. The war game can lead to a great empire but also to destruction and bankruptcy.

The Economy

A strong economy will create high revenues and profit that you can use in many ways. You can choose for high income, good welfare, health, education and social security but you can also choose for putting resources into your army.

You can build a financial reserve or you can purchase many privileges in the game or provide loans to others for profit. Your country can create assets, including share portfolios and become a controlling share holder of many corporations.

If you have a very large reserve of game money, you can exchange it into gold coins and under some conditions, into real cash. that is paid out using Paypal.


Corporations produce all the products that are used by all countries and they can produce high profits. The corporate profits are an important part of the country's income.

Check whether your corporations are running at full capacity. Find the reasons if they do not, and try to improve.

Tune sale strategies to make sure your corporations sell everything they produce and make sure they get the raw materials they need for production at full capacity.

Check the world market and find out which products are in short supply and strengthen your economy by setting up corporations that produce these products. Upgrade the quality and efficiency of your corporations, to make them more competitive.

Make sure your education system produces the professionals you need in your corporations and try to achieve a 100% hiring levels in all your corporations. It is better to have a smaller number of corporations producing at full capacity than a larger number, with lower production levels. Low production corporations are not profitable.

Financial functions, Education and Health

Make sure you understand the financial pages, the health and education pages and gradually extend your control of the country.

Increase your income with more corporations and high employment and cut cost if necessary. Large loans are OK if you invest in growth but the interest will increase your monthly cost.

The Markets

Countries need many products and their corporations buy raw materials and sell their produce. Most of the buying and selling takes place on the world market. Trading is massive with many thousands of transactions taking place in real time 24 hours a day in all worlds.

The world market is a true market with price fluctuations depending on demand and supply.

Many of the corporations are public and their shares are traded on the stock market. All players have access to the stock market and use it to invest some of their reserves and to try and gain control of corporations they are interested in.


You can easily communicate with other presidents, you can join the Bulletin Board and discuss any issues and you can vote and put your own suggestions to vote by the member community.