Simcountry is a multiplayer Internet game in which you are the president, commander in chief, and industrial leader. You have to make the tough decisions about cutting or raising taxes, how to allocate the federal budget, what kind of infrastructure you want, etc..
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Topics: Nationalities
 SubtopicMsgs  Last Updated
Where are you from?!?! 5   1/16 10:12pm
Argentinos en Golden Rainbow 1   5/13 03:44pm
NEDERLANDERS HIER???? 21   5/3 08:41pm
INDIA 1   12/8 02:09pm
Who are the Jews? (Little Upsilon) 7   11/13 05:33pm
Yugoslavians!!!! 26   10/18 09:58pm
Any Filipino Players here? 15   3/30 01:45pm
Any jamaican here (Little Upsilon) 11   1/23 12:55pm
Braziliam players??? 1   5/27 01:31am
HELP ME PLEASE 2   5/28 12:50pm
Reptilians here? 1   4/15 12:58am
Colombians on LU (Little Upsilon) 3   2/5 06:53am
Any scot (celts and tims) (Kebir Blue) 8   9/19 11:48pm
USA . . . war on the horrizon? What do U think? 20   9/19 07:45pm
Canada eh? 58   7/12 08:59am
Sind sie Deutsche? *Auf Deutsch Bitte, und Englisch* 10   6/28 03:56pm
COLOMBIA Presente (Little Upsilon) 4   4/1 08:07pm
Come here (as long as you speak english) (Golden Rainbow) 5   1/7 08:01pm
Russian girls? (Fearless Blue) 4   10/29 03:09am
Blonde Swedish girls (Fearless Blue) 84   10/28 06:33am
Where are you? 20   9/11 03:31am
Anyone from Hong Kong, Taiwan or Mainland China? 2   4/29 08:39am
Malaysia 5   4/29 08:35am
Any Christians Here (White Giant) 35   1/26 02:47am
Any Africans or Swahili speaking people in the house? 1   1/25 03:44am
Nationalists/Patriots (Little Upsilon) 31   12/26 08:29pm
CROATS!!! (Kebir Blue) 4   8/27 01:40pm
World War 1 history (Fearless Blue) 59   8/18 07:51am
Southern Oregon 4   7/23 10:05am
OPINION OF UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! (White Giant) 161   2/18 06:32am
The new Craine DIA meder order here, Where yahh wan it 5   12/12 01:32am
Selling A Valuable Enterprise On Little Upsilon, On Direct Trading Market 1   10/12 01:48pm
OPINION OF not the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! (Little Upsilon) 6   4/28 12:48pm
Polacy? (Fearless Blue) 4   4/19 12:36am
Algún Argentino? (White Giant) 18   4/10 01:38pm
عرب Lebanon 3   3/5 09:35pm
Australians UNITE (Kebir Blue) 9   2/27 01:55pm
The Arabs And Africans of adabesea kingdom 2   1/9 09:49am
Cymru 1   1/2 02:24pm
Petition to Secede 23   12/22 11:20pm
Chiraq, USA 3   12/14 06:10pm
Jamaicans 2   10/28 01:12am
Federation and Game Discussion (Fearless blue) 1   9/30 05:18am
U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. (White Giant) 5   8/18 03:19am
Any Texans? (Little Upsilon) 24   7/26 03:40am
Opinion Of The British People? And Any British People Here (White Giant) 26   4/25 03:27am
Blighty (White Giant) 118   3/28 08:10pm
New Pope is elected ( RL ) 5   3/17 01:34am
Anyone want to make a bet on when US goes bankrupt? (Fearless Blue) 109   2/2 01:33am
Little Upsilon World Government Vs The None Aligned Nations 22   1/12 12:50pm
Expansionists/Isolationists 1   12/16 06:10am
KIWI or Aussies on LU??? 2   8/8 05:09am
Vous Pouvez Parle De La Francais? (Little Upsilon) 2   7/31 10:44pm
Centroamericanos!! (Kebir Blue) 3   5/23 03:53am
Communists (Little Upsilon) 8   3/24 02:21pm
Since this is a Nationality forum (Little Upsilon) 7   2/6 06:33am
Capitalists (Little Upsilon) 28   1/4 09:11pm
Any Fellow German Men? (White Giant) 1   12/21 09:33pm
One hundred years 9   11/27 05:43am
New Zealand (Little Upsilon) 2   11/13 09:28am
Forum: Nationalities (Kebir Blue) 5   9/29 09:22am
Funny! (White Giant) 2   9/18 09:33pm
Any aliens in here? (White Giant) 12   8/26 12:50am
British players (Little Upsilon) 15   8/9 01:19am
Any Norwegians here? 6   8/2 06:14pm
Australians on KB? (Kebir Blue) 2   4/19 05:27am
Needing Prayers (Little Upsilon) 3   2/21 07:42pm
Nazism!!! Is there any nazis here or people who hate nazis? (Little Upsilon) 1   2/19 03:37pm
Samedianoj? (Little Upsilon) 1   2/14 11:34pm
State of the World (Little Upsilon) 7   2/8 06:51am
Irish (Fearless Blue) 1   2/1 10:59am
Welome to America (Golden Rainbow) 39   1/25 01:32am
Zeitgeist (White Giant) 3   1/18 02:57pm
Funny (White Giant) 3   8/3 09:07pm
World Cup 17   7/20 01:53am
Eurovision 2010 1   5/30 12:15am
Anyone half-european??? (White Giant) 2   5/17 08:11am
Aussies on FB? (Fearless Blue) 1   4/20 09:05am
Sioux brave just saying hi to the Simcountry World. (White Giant) 21   4/8 08:11pm
NATIVE AMERICANS! (Golden Rainbow) 2   1/6 02:03am
Any canadians for my Common Market? (Little Upsilon) 2   1/5 09:54pm
Africa (Kebir Blue) 1   11/25 08:21pm
Any Czech Republic players? (Fearless Blue) 2   11/13 11:10pm
A long shot but....... (Little Upsilon) 15   11/13 01:25am
Scottish in here. (Kebir Blue) 1   8/30 08:14pm
Race! (Fearless Blue) 1   5/12 07:52am
0% tax and an abundance of workers (Fearless Blue) 1   4/12 09:08pm
Nations of Little Upsilon (Little Upsilon) 1   4/1 07:45pm
Medical marijuana- full blown legalization or continued criminalization (Little Upsilon) 40   3/22 08:29am
For Gay/Bi Players Around The World (Golden Rainbow) 21   1/18 05:57am
Eurovision! (Golden Rainbow) 10   1/3 09:49pm
Suomi Finland Perkele! (Little Upsilon) 4   12/23 09:23pm
Here is the definition of Nationalite!! (Little Upsilon) 8   12/14 09:25pm
Little League World Series.... (White Giant) 3   12/14 09:20pm
The Polls (Little Upsilon) 5   11/28 12:10pm
New Little Upsilon Order (Little Upsilon) 12   11/23 01:19pm
Turk 1   11/9 08:27pm
Furry? (Kebir Blue) 55   11/4 09:11pm
USA . . . war on the horrizon? The Sequel (Golden Rainbow) 87   10/13 12:33am
World History 101 (Kebir Blue) 24   9/25 05:58pm
Svenskar! 2   9/21 08:27pm
JMR32/FarmerBob 59   8/20 07:12pm
U.S. opinion, the sequel (Golden Rainbow) 17   8/19 07:49pm
Good Video Editing (Little Upsilon) 2   8/6 12:22am
Question: trading proffesionals (Little Upsilon) 1   7/28 05:44am
Rock in Rio 2   6/2 10:55pm

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